Mountain Ridge Marquee Archives

11/18/29 Announcements

Sent November 18th 2021

REMINDER:  Students are NOT to park in the parking lot at the base of the Thunderbird Mountain hiking trail.  Tickets will be issued and cars will be towed at the owners expense.   ATTENTION 11th & 12th GRADERS - You will need a copy of your transcript for colleges, employment or automobile insurance. You will have to get your transcript through Parchment. A Parchment account has been created for you. You can pick up your log information before school, after school and your lunch period. at the...

11/17/21 Announcements

Sent November 17th 2021

CROSS COUNTRY: Congrats to our Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams!!! They competed at the AIA State Championship Meet this past weekend and ran very well. Our Boys Team took 13th Place with a score of 327. They were led by Junior Peyton Schneider who finished 10th and earned All State Honors. Thomas Kim finished 46th, Victor Sandrin 99th, Adrian Rodriguez 100th, Jack Smith 117th, Jett Seguin 118th and Chandler DeVinney in 120th. Our Girls Team qualified 3 individuals led by Canyon Cockrell who finished 83rd and Risa Bl...

11/16/21 Announcements

Sent November 16th 2021

CONGRATS TO THE MRHS PRIDE OF THE WEST MARCHING BAND!! They came in 2nd place overall and were the Silver Medalist at the AzMBA Class 4A Championships (Largest Division in AZ). We are so proud of ALL of our Band and Guard students!!! They are advancing to the final round of State Marching Band Championship this Saturday where the top 8 Bands will compete for the ABODA State Marching Championship! RIDGE VOLLEYBALL CLUB: The Ridge Volleyball Club will meet during ac...

11/15/21 Announcements

Sent November 15th 2021

MIDWEST CLINIC PERFORMANCES: The Mountain Ridge HS Sax Quartet and the Highland HS Symphonic Strings will preview their Midwest Clinic performances Wednesday, November 17 at 7:00 PM in the Mountain Ridge High School Auditorium. This will be an incredible concert, featuring the very best in high school music, and ASU saxophone professor, Christopher Creviston. Hope to see you there! ACTIVE MINDS: Active Minds will be meeting on Thursday, November 18th during ACA Prep. We will be training our members to use V-A-R on camp...

11/12/21 Announcements

Sent November 12th 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE: Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out! BEST BUDDIES:  Best Buddies club members, our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 18th during acaprep. Please sign up in Flex Time Manager to join us!" WINTER YARD SIGNS: Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your Winter sports/activities yard sign for you student. Sign are $25. Avail...

MRHS Announcements 11.10.2021

Sent November 10th 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE: Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out! WINTER YARD SIGNS: Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your Winter sports/activities yard sign for you student. Sign are $25. Available Soccer, Wrestling and Basketball. Contact for an order form. Order is due November 15, 2021 ATTENTION SENIORS: Order your cap and gown for gradua...

MRHS Announcements 11.9.2021

Sent November 9th 2021

VITALANT BLOOD DRIVE UPDATE:  Thank you students and staff for a successful fall blood drive on November 5th!  We had 93 donors, 64 first time donors, 95 components of blood collected! We look forward to our spring blood drive in April. KETTLECORN FOR SALE: Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out! FCA:  The next FCA meeting will be this Wedn...

MRHS Announcements 11.08.21

Sent November 8th 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE: Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out! RUBIK'S CUBE CLUB: The Rubik's cube club will have their second meeting in Room C204 on Monday, November 8th. Bring your rubik's cube to practice and problem-solve with club members. Sign up for our remind @mrhsrub - hope to see you there! WINTER YARD SIGNS: Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your...


Sent November 5th 2021

*Congratulations to Mountain Ridge Swim & Dive Team to the following athletes that are representing Mountain Ridge at State!* _*Swimmers*_ Ben Crabb Kylie Dennis Grace Tice Madison Kuper Dakota Scott Madeline Grohall _*Divers*_ Emma Johnson Chloe Herrera Michael Knee Seth Pingree CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BOYS CROSS COUNTRY for Finishing 4th at the AIA Sectionals Meet and Qualifying for the State Championship Meet. Peyton Schneider led by finishing 8th with a personal best time of 15:57. Thomas Kim (23rd),...

11/5/21 Announcments

Sent November 5th 2021

NEW MEXICO STATE REP. ON CAMPUS: A representative from New Mexico State University will be presenting virtually on Tuesday, Nov. 9th during AcaPrep. Learn about the admissions process, campus life, scholarships and more, including that NMSU offers in-state tuition for AZ residents. Sign up in Flex Time Manager to attend the presentation. KETTLECORN FOR SALE:  Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order sh...

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