Mountain Ridge Marquee Archives

11/4/21 Announcements

Sent November 4th 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE:  Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out!  RUBIK'S CUBE CLUB: The Rubik's cube club will have their second meeting in Room C204 on Monday, November 8th. Bring your rubik's cube to practice and problem-solve with club members. Sign up for our remind @mrhsrub - hope to see you there! WINTER YARD SIGNS: Show your MRHS Spiri...

11/3/21 Announcements

Sent November 3rd 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE:  Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out!  SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY: Spanish Honor Society will meet Thursday November 4th after school outside the cafeteria to celebrate el día de los muertos. ¡Hasta jueves! WINTER YARD SIGNS: Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your Winter sports/activities yard sign f...


Sent November 2nd 2021

Girls basketball Is having a fundraiser tonight at Raising Canes 7930 W. Bell Rd - from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Be sure to mention Mountain Ridge Basketball. Get out there and support our girls! - GO RIDGE  ...


Sent November 2nd 2021

Girls basketball Is having a fundraiser tonight at Raising Canes 7930 W. Bell Rd - from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Be sure to mention Mountain Ridge Basketball. Get out there and support our girls! - GO RIDGE  ...

11/2/21 Announcements

Sent November 2nd 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE:  Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out!  SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY: Spanish Honor Society will meet Thursday November 4th after school outside the cafeteria to celebrate el día de los muertos. ¡Hasta jueves! WINTER YARD SIGNS: Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your Winter sports/activities yard sign for yo...

11/2/21 Announcements

Sent November 2nd 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE:  Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out!  SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY: Spanish Honor Society will meet Thursday November 4th after school outside the cafeteria to celebrate el día de los muertos. ¡Hasta jueves! BLOOD DRIVE: Donors needed!  Students and staff please help others in our community by d...

11/01/21 Announcements

Sent November 1st 2021

KETTLECORN FOR SALE:  Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out!  SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY: Spanish Honor Society will meet Thursday November 4th after school outside the cafeteria to celebrate el día de los muertos. ¡Hasta jueves! BLOOD DRIVE: Donors needed!  Students and staff please help others in our community by donating bl...

10/29/21 Announcements

Sent October 29th 2021

BLOOD DRIVE: Donors needed!  Students and staff please help others in our community by donating blood on 11/4 at the on campus Vitalant Blood Drive.  Donor must be 16 and older, weigh over 110 pounds and be in good health.See Mrs. Rodgers in C216 to sign up and get waiver if you are 16 or 17 years old. ATTENTION WINTER ATHLETES: Basketball, Soccer and Wrestling start on November 1st, all athletes must be cleared through the athletic office before tryouts. For tryout and clearance information g...

10/228/21 Announcements

Sent October 28th 2021

ATTENTION WINTER ATHLETES: Basketball, Soccer and Wrestling start on November 1st, all athletes must be cleared through the athletic office before tryouts. For tryout and clearance information got to or stop by the athletic office and see Mrs. Wesson. GO RIDGE! RUBIK'S CUBE CLUB:  Have you ever wanted to solve a Rubik's cube, or just have an interest in problem solving? If so, join the Rubik's cube club. The first meeting will be after school on November 1st in room C204. Ple...

10/27/21 Announcements

Sent October 27th 2021

RUBIK'S CUBE CLUB:  Have you ever wanted to solve a Rubik's cube, or just have an interest in problem solving? If so, join the Rubik's cube club. The first meeting will be after school on November 1st in room C204. Please sign up on our remind @mrhsrub for more information. BLOOD DRIVE: Donors needed!  Students and staff please help others in our community by donating blood on 11/4 at the on campus Vitalant Blood Drive.  Donor must be 16 and older, weigh over 110 pounds and be in good health.Se...

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