Sent May 6th 2022
PANORAMIC PICTURES ARE IN AND NEED TO BE PICKED UP: Seniors, if you ordered a panoramic picture please stop by the book store to pick it up ASAP. SENIOR PARKING PASSES: The application for Senior Parking will open May 13th after 3:30 PM. The application and additional information can be found on the MRHS website. GIRLS GOLF: The girls golf team is having a meeting for students interested in trying out for the team next fall. The meeting will be on Monday, May 9th at 2:20 in room D...
Sent May 5th 2022
PANORAMIC PICTURES ARE IN AND NEED TO BE PICKED UP: Seniors, if you ordered a panoramic picture please stop by the book store to pick it up ASAP. SENIOR PARKING PASSES: The application for Senior Parking will open May 13th after 3:30 PM. The application and additional information can be found on the MRHS website. GIRLS GOLF: The girls golf team is having a meeting for students interested in trying out for the team next fall. The meeting will be on Monday, May 9th at 2:20 in room D106. CAP &...
Sent May 2nd 2022
CAP & GOWN ORDERS: If you ordered your graduation products and/or cap & gown from Jostens and paid in full, your items are on the Mountain Ridge campus. You may pick them up at Mrs. Steeles desk in the principal’s office. *TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK: *Teacher Appreciation week is May 2-6. The PRIDE group is requesting help from our awesome Ridge families! If you are able, please donate a Gift Card or donate directly through the PayPal link below. These cards can be for Restaurants, Movie Theaters, Coffee S...
Sent April 28th 2022
CAP & GOWN ORDERS: If you ordered your graduation products and/or cap & gown from Jostens and paid in full, your items are on the Mountain Ridge campus. You may pick them up at Mrs. Steeles desk in the principal’s office. ATTENTION SENIORS who missed the graduation meeting this week. Pick up a summary sheet in the front office and go to graduation information on the website and view the powerpoint. TRACK ATHLETES: track athletes need to return their uniforms to the equipment room ASAP.&n...
Sent April 27th 2022
CAP & GOWN ORDERS: If you ordered your graduation products and/or cap & gown from Jostens and paid in full, your items are on the Mountain Ridge campus. You may pick them up at the senior meetings this week or stop by and see Mrs. Steele in the principal’s office. ACTIVE MINDS: We will be having a joint meeting with Active Minds and HOSA for mental health month! Join us Thursday, April 28th in the small gym during acaprep! We will be doing an activity and learning about how to manage...
Sent April 26th 2022
GIRLS SUMMER BASKETBALL: Any girls interested in Summer basketball there is a mandatory meeting TOMORROW Wednesday, April 27th after school in the gym to go over Summer details. If you have questions contact Coach Carreon @ CAP & GOWN ORDERS: If you ordered your graduation products and/or cap & gown from Jostens and paid in full, your items are on the Mountain Ridge campus. You may pick them up at the senior meetings this week or stop by and see Mrs. Ste...
Sent April 25th 2022
Tomorrow 4/26 will be the last day to purchase Prom Tickets. Tickets will only be sold before school, after school and during lunches. The bookstore closes at 3:00pm sharp. There will be NO exceptions. ...
Sent April 25th 2022
GIRLS SUMMER BASKETBALL: Any girls interested in Summer basketball there is a mandatory meeting Wednesday, April 27th after school in the gym to go over Summer details. If you have questions contact Coach Carreon @ CAP & GOWN ORDERS: If you ordered your graduation products and/or cap & gown from Jostens and paid in full, your items are on the Mountain Ridge campus. You may pick them up at the senior meetings next week or stop by and see Mrs. Steele in the principal’s o...
Sent April 22nd 2022
CONGRATULATIONS TRACK & FIELD! Congratulations to these 5 District Champions!!!! Miyah Verse two-time champion in the shot put Emma Johnson two-time champion in the triple Jump Nathan Moreno Triple Jump champion Julian King Long Jump champion Janae Floyd 300-meter Hurdles champion CAP & GOWN ORDERS: If you ordered your graduation products and/or cap & gown from Jostens and paid in full, your items are on the Mountain Ridge campus. You may pick them up at the senior meetings next week or stop by...
Sent April 21st 2022
CAP & GOWN ORDERS: If you ordered your graduation products and/or cap & gown from Jostens and paid in full, your items are on the Mountain Ridge campus. You may pick them up at the senior meetings next week or stop by and see Mrs. Steele in the principal’s office. ACTIVE MINDS: We will be having a joint meeting with Active Minds and HOSA for mental health month! Join us Thursday, April 28th in the small gym during acaprep! We will be doing an activity and learning about how to manage and cope with ...
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