Sent March 10th 2022
SENIOR GRADUATION SIGNS – Be sure to order your Senior a Yard Sign. You can order one with a picture ($30) or just name ($25). Email for an order form. Orders are due by April 1st. CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS TENNIS: Congratulations to varsity tennis girls Angeline Varadi & Tanvi Arora as they placed 3rd at the West Valley Tennis Tournament. Winning matches at singles were Maehur Aulakh and Nicole Varadi. Also winning at doubles were KaileyAnne Prodhomme & ...
Sent March 9th 2022
SENIOR GRADUATION SIGNS – Be sure to order your Senior a Yard Sign. You can order one with a picture ($30) or just name ($25). Email for an order form. Orders are due by April 1st. CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS TENNIS: Congratulations to varsity tennis girls Angeline Varadi & Tanvi Arora as they placed 3rd at the West Valley Tennis Tournament. Winning matches at singles were Maehur Aulakh and Nicole Varadi. Also winning at doubles were KaileyAnne Prodhomme & Priyanka K...
Sent March 8th 2022
SENIOR GRADUATION SIGNS – Be sure to order your Senior a Yard Sign. You can order one with a picture ($30) or just name ($25). Email for an order form. Orders are due by April 1st. ...
Sent March 8th 2022
FCA MEETING: The next FCA meeting will be this Thursday during ACA prep in the small gym! You won't want to miss this weeks message and something super cool about your very own birthday! Make sure to sign up in Flextime manager! BEST BUDDIES MEETING: The next Best Buddies club meeting is on Thursday the 10th during acaprep. Please sign up in Flex Time Manager to join the Best Buddies meeting. Our Buddies are looking forward to seeing everyone! NATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE WEEK: Happy foreign...
Sent March 7th 2022
BEST BUDDIES MEETING: The next Best Buddies club meeting is on Thursday the 10th during acaprep. Please sign up in Flex Time Manager to join the Best Buddies meeting. Our Buddies are looking forward to seeing everyone! NATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE WEEK: Happy foreign language week! Did you know there is a wordle for other languages? Try Spanish or French! SENIOR GRADUATION SONG/NATIONAL ANTHEM: Reminder, any Senior interested in trying out for the graduation song or national anthem, tryouts ...
Sent March 4th 2022
NATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE WEEK: Happy foreign language week! Did you know there is a wordle for other languages? Try Spanish or French! SENIOR GRADUATION SONG/NATIONAL ANTHEM: Reminder, any Senior interested in trying out for the graduation song or national anthem, tryouts our next Wednesday, March 9th, but you must sign up outside of room E218 by Tuesday after school to reserve your spot. Do this ASAP. CAPSTONE ART EXHIBIT: Stop by the Mountain Ridge ...
Sent March 3rd 2022
SENIOR GRADUATION SONG/NATIONAL ANTHEM: Reminder, any Senior interested in trying out for the graduation song or national anthem, tryouts our next Wednesday, March 9th, but you must sign up outside of room E218 by Tuesday after school to reserve your spot. Do this ASAP. CAPSTONE ART EXHIBIT: Stop by the Mountain Ridge Rotunda by the bookstore to see the 2022 Capstone Exhibit featuring 4 senior artists, Zoe Giamanco, Isabella Harper, Haley Miller and Janeessa Rona. ...
Sent March 2nd 2022
CAPSTONE ART EXHIBIT: Stop by the Mountain Ridge Rotunda by the bookstore to see the 2022 Capstone Exhibit featuring 4 senior artists, Zoe Giamanco, Isabella Harper, Haley Miller and Janeessa Rona. The exhibit features artwork created by these amazing artists based on a sustained investigation. They have worked many hours on the artworks this year for the exhibit to obtain the State Seal of Arts Proficiency on their diplomas and for their AP Studio Art portfolio exam. The exhibit will be on display now through Mar...
Sent March 1st 2022
CONGRATULATIONS HOSA: Congratulations to Ash Bhakta, Diya Makadia and Sneha Velaga who have advanced to the HOSA State Officer Interviews, Saturday, March 5th. Good luck! FCA MEETING: The next FCA meeting will be this Thursday 2/3/22 during ACA prep. We will meet in the small gym. New members always welcome! See you there! SOSF DIAPER DRIVE: Want help less fortunate mothers in need? SOFS is sponsoring a Diaper and Baby Products Drive until March 11. We are looking for diapers as well as bab...
Sent February 28th 2022
SPEECH & DEBATE: This past weekend, speech and debate competed at states. eugene kim took home 6th place in spoken word poetry, daniyal siddiqui took home 4th place in prose, priya list and raksha suresh advanced to octofinals in public forum debate, and fallon sullivan advanced to semis in extemporaneous speaking! CONGRATULATIONS MRHS TRACK: The boys and girls track team started the season off against Deer Valley and Bradshaw Mountain. It was a chilly but victorious start to the season.&nb...
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