DVUSD News - Fun Video with OUR Top Ten List

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - Fun Video with OUR Top Ten List
Date: May 27th 2015

Dr. V's Top Ten List - End of Year Video Message

Several schools, dozens of staff members, and hundreds of students helped Dr. V create a fun and informative "Year End Message!"
Welcome to the end of the 2014-2015 school year. What a year it has been!
As we think of the challenges we have faced this school year: dealing with a difficult budget situation, switching to a new state testing system, working hard to see continuous improvement results, you can see it really has been quite a busy year!
We have overcome our challenges and accomplished some pretty cool things too. In honor of the end of our school year and the retiring late-night talk show host David Letterman, we have compiled our own Top Ten list!

 Here are the top ten reasons why we can call 2014-2015 a HUGE Success!

10. Free full-day Kindergarten
DVUSD found a way to provide free full-day kindergarten, and our number of kindergarteners and overall enrollment increased.

9. We have several Arizona Sports Champions!
DVUSD is home to the State Softball Championship team, the Triple Jump Champion, the Diving Champion, 3 Wrestling Champions, and the State Champion Cheer Team!

8. Supportive Business Partners and Parent Organizations
We have wonderfully supportive Business Partners and Parent Organizations, including Copper Creek Parent Teacher Student Association, named Arizona PTA of the Year. I want to thank all of our Parent Organizations and our business partners who contribute so much to our schools.

7. Award-winning Artwork
Our students’ award-winning artwork appears in several local and regional calendars and at the U.S. Department of Education. Way to go DVUSD artists!

6. Deer Valley Education Foundation
The Deer Valley Education Foundation continues to fund projects that promote teachers, students, and learning, like Foss science kits. Thank you DVEF!

5. Our Music programs are the BEST!
Four DVUSD bands received Superior with Distinction Honors: the Wind Ensembles from Mountain Ridge and Sandra Day O’Connor high schools and the wind ensemble and symphonic band from Deer Valley. Two of our Marching Bands are State Champions: Deer Valley High School for Division II and Sandra Day O’Connor High School for Division I.

4. Outstanding STEM programs: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math
Our outstanding STEM programs continue to promote the best of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math for our students. In fact, this year at Hillcrest Middle School, STEM students helped break a world record by using a 3D printer to create Robohands, assistive devices for children and young adults.

3. Our Teachers and Staff got a raise!
Despite the budget challenges, our Governing Board was able to approve a raise for our hard-working, committed teachers and staff!

2. DVUSD students positively impact the world!
DVUSD students have done a variety of things to positively impact the world, including asking for charitable donations instead of birthday presents, sewing dresses for girls in need around the world, and even starting non-profit organizations. We are so proud of our students and alumni who are truly making a positive impact in the world!

1. A+ Schools of Excellence & A-rated District!
We have four new A+ Schools of Excellence and our District maintained our “A” rating for the fourth straight year!
We are who we are because of you: our teachers, staff, students, parents, and community! We couldn’t have achieved this year’s success without your hard work and dedication. Have a great summer – you deserve it! Rest, and relax, because we get to do it all again soon. School begins on August 10. See you then.

Dr. James R. Veitenheimer, Superintendent
Deer Valley Unified School District
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