5/10/23 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 5/10/23 Announcements
Date: May 10th 2023

STAFF RECOGNITION: Is there a staff member at Mountain Ridge that you feel has gone above and beyond to help a student or is just a great representation of what it means to be a Mountain Lion? Well we would like to hear about it and recognize him or her for their great work. To submit a form go to https://url.dvusd.org/1682ad1e

SENIOR GRAD NIGHT: ticket sales are online! Please go to our PTO website ridgeparentgroup.org and click on Grad Night 2023 for more information. There is a PayPal link that will allow you to enter $60 and you can pay via PayPal or with any major credit card. Please specify the SENIOR'S NAME in the notes. (If a senior wants to attend but cannot due to a financial hardship, please reach out to us via email.) The Code of Conduct form is also available to print from the site. Please sign and email the completed form to pridemrhs@gmail.com Once these 2 things are done, the senior just needs to bring a photo I.D. to the Main Event for entry. Tickets at the door will be $80 -- cash only, so get your tickets soon at the lower rate and reserve your spot! This is going to be an amazing event, as we have rented out the entire Avondale Main Event just for our Ridge seniors. Dinner is provided, as well as snacks, drinks, a coffee bar and breakfast. We have lots of awesome raffle baskets valued at over $100, and will be giving away some great prizes -- $1000 cash, $500 cash, an electric bike, an electric scooter, a mountain bike, a mini fridge, hammocks, gift cards and more! Don't miss out -- grab your friends and get your tickets today! (For those parents who wish to volunteer, a.) you are awesome, and b.) there is a Sign-Up Genius on our website under Grad Night 2023.)

Here are the results of Friday’s Student Government Class Elections.   For next year’s Sophomore Officers: Emma Boyse, Charlotte Feitz, Hudson Field, Ethan Girnius and EJ Johnson  For next year’s Junior Officers:  Jagger Cockrell, Coby Neville, Nate Smith and Quincy Wood  For next year’s Senior Officers:  Katy Bielicki, Peyton Dennis, Sadie Kath, Avery Marks and Brogen Mathis  Also next year’s Student Body Officers are: President:  Diego Armenta, Vice President:  Remi McKim, Secretary:  Ellie Galligan and Scott Addams, Treasurer:  Maeva Moss,  Public Relations:  Paige Keaton, Historian:  Bekah Boden, Spirit Director:  Bella Reid,  Videographer:  Cardin Cockrell  Congratulations to all the winners!

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK:  Teacher Appreciation week is almost here -- May 8th - 12th! Mountain Ridge PTO is working hard on making some wonderful gift bags for our hard working teachers. For those who would like to contribute, please click on the Paypal link below. (The link will allow you to enter in a dollar amount and you may pay with Paypal, debit or credit card.) ANY AMOUNT IS APPRECIATED! We will ensure that their bags are filled with all of the things that let them know just how much we value their time and commitment to our students. Also, we are a non-profit, so your donation is tax deductible - a win win! We couldn't do this without your help, so thank you for supporting our teachers!  Donate (paypal.com) *If the link does not work, please copy and paste the following into your browser: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SSRQ9VHJYR34J  For more information or questions, please contact us at pridemrhs@gmail.com

FINAL GRADES:  Final grades will not be reflected on your transcript until the middle of June. When submitting your Parchment Transcript requests, please select "Hold for Grades". This will prevent your transcript from being sent before the final grades have been updated. https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/4987/account

DVUSD Pathways OPEN Enrollment:  April 3 - May 28, 2023  See counselor or visit  www.dvusd.org/pathways

CAP & GOWN:  Attention Seniors, if you did not pick up your Cap and Gown yet, it is important that you get them as soon as possible at the Bookstore either before or after school or during lunch. 

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