From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 4/20/23 ANNOUNCEMENTS
Date: April 20th 2023

SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY: Spanish Honor Society will have their last meeting, Thursday April 27th before and after school in room C218. Stop by for a chance to win a prize bag. Check the remind for more information

Athletic Physicals for 2023-2024: Athletes-The time has come again to get your athletic physicals on Saturday, May 13th from 7:30 - 11 am. Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Douglas in the Athletic Office or email Vanessa.douglas@dvusd.org

The MRHS Mentor Club is looking for new Mentors for next year! The goal of our Mentor Club is to help incoming freshmen students as they learn about our campus, opportunities, sports and academics.  The deadline to apply is April 21, 2023.  If you are interested and you know that you will be available to work the "First Day for Freshmen Event" on Friday, July 28, 2023, please submit an application at this link: https://forms.gle/Q1LFGsaybt2Y34ku6

EARTH DAY:  Earth Day is this weekend so join the Principals Advisory Council during both lunches on Friday 4/21/23 to celebrate. Buy some flowers from the Earth Club and play Fun game time activities for prizes as we learn about Earth Day!  

SENIOR GRADUATION YARD SIGNS:  Did you forget to get your Senior Graduation Yard Sign? We will be placing a second order for them. Orders are due April 20th. $30 for Name only, $35 for Name and picture. Email mrhspom@gmail.com for an order form.

NHS DONATION DRIVE:  National Honors Society is sponsoring a donation drive for the Amanda Hope Foundation. The Amanda Hope Foundation works with hospitals, families, and children to bring dignity and comfort into the harsh world of childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Donations needed include: Gift cards, new puzzles, Legos, games, small dolls, coloring books, colored pencils, blankets, fuzzy socks, craft supplies, headphones/ear-buds, etc. Seek the flyers posted around campus for a full list of donation items needed. All donations can be brought to your 1st period class. Class with the most donations will win a prize. The donation drive will last from April 3rd- April 21st. Please help us bring comfort to those in need.

ORDER YEARBOOKS:  Don't forget to purchase your 2022-2023 yearbook before they run out. Yearbooks can be purchased at the MRHS bookstore or at jostens.com. Don't miss out!

DVUSD Pathways OPEN Enrollment:  April 3 - May 28, 2023  See counselor or visit  www.dvusd.org/pathways

STAFF RECOGNITION: Is there a staff member at Mountain Ridge that you feel has gone above and beyond to help a student or is just a great representation of what it means to be a Mountain Lion? Well we would like to hear about it and recognize him or her for their great work. To submit a form go to https://url.dvusd.org/1682ad1e

CAP & GOWN:  Attention Seniors, if you did not pick up your Cap and Gown yet, it is important that you get them as soon as possible at the Bookstore either before or after school or during lunch. 

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