From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 9/27/22 ANNOUNCEMENTS
Date: September 28th 2022

RITA'S ICE ON CAMPUS! Thursday during both lunches, Rita's Ice will be on campus in front of the E building selling their delicious and refreshing treats. At least 4 flavors will be available and they are $3.50 each cash or card. Stop by and get your's Thursday during lunch.

SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY:  Spanish Honor Society has a meeting on Thursday before or after school in room C218. Check Canvas for more information! Hasta luego.

GIRLS SOCCER TRAINING:  Girls soccer Preseason training every Thursday starting 9/29 until the week of tryouts  Time is 3-4:30 pm on the lower grass fields.   (The girls will just need to bring their cleats and their own water. MUST BE CLEARED THROUGH THE ATHLETIC OFFICE 

NHS TUTORING: NHS is starting up after school tutoring. There will be NHS members available Monday- Thursday from 2:15-3:15pm to tutor students in all subject Areas. Each day will focus on a different content area. Mondays will focus on Math & Foreign Language, Tuesdays will focus on Science, Wednesdays will focus on ELA and Math, and Thursdays will focus on the Social Sciences. Tutoring will be held in room C223 until the Media Center construction is completed. See the NHS Tutoring flyers posted around campus to sign up. Tutoring will start September 19th and run throughout the school year. 

FAFSA INFORMAION NIGHT:  The Counseling Department will be hosting a FAFSA Night (for seniors and their parents) and a College/Career Fair (for all students and parents) on Thursday October 6th from 4:30-6:30pm (during parent/teacher conferences). Please see the attached fliers for more information and be sure to help us spread the word.  

BOYS VOLLEYBALL CAMP:  October 17-20th and October 24-27th—Mondays-Thursdays (16 hours).   FROM 7:00-9:00pmWe are subject to changes based on the athletic schedules.   Students interested must be cleared through the athletic office and payments made through the bookstore.  Please contact Debbie Moore for more information   Debbie.moore@dvusd.org  

Dropping Off Items To Students - To minimize classroom disruptions, the following are the only things that will be allowed to be dropped off for a student during the school day:  Ipad, & lunch on an emergency basis.  If a parent needs to drop off one of the above mentioned items, a pass will be sent to the student telling them to come pick up the item from the office at the appropriate time - the items will not be delivered to the student. The only exception to this is if a parent needs to bring medication and that must be taken directly to the nurse as no student is allowed to be in possession of any prescribed and/or over the counter medication.  TO REVIEW THE ENTIRE POLICY PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE   https://www.dvusd.org/domain/12351

ATTENTION SENIORS:  Seniors, don't forget that you need to make an appointment at Grads Photography Studio to be included in the yearbook. Senior pictures are only taken at their studio and appointments fill up quickly. Please contact them today.

FRESHMAN FIRST DAY SHIRTS:  Attention freshmen who attended the Freshmen First Day event on August 2nd: If you did not receive your green spirit shirt yet, and you paid for one, a new shipment has arrived. We want to make sure that you get your spirit shirt to wear on Spirit Days! Please go to the MRHS Bookstore in the A-building before school, at lunch, or after school to pick up your shirt. We cannot distribute shirts during class time or Aca-Prep, thank you

ORDER PICTURES ONLINE:  Picture day is today! Order prints here.  https://gradsphotography.com/new-page

OPTIONAL DEVICE PROTECTION PLAN:  You have until this Friday to purchase the Optional Device Protection for your school iPad. The cost is $25 and payments can be made online or in-person at the MRHS bookstore. The Optional Device Protection program significantly decreases repair costs for damaged iPads. Insurance must be purchased each year.

HOME GAME ATHLETIC TICKETS:  Tickets for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door.        To purchase your tickets go to www.mrhsathletics.com and click on the ticket link.

STUDENT ATHLETIC PASSES: Students you can avoid the online ticket fees and purchase your Student Athletic pass from the bookstore. This pass costs $30.00 and will get you into all regular season HOME games. Your student pass will be put on your Student ID card and you must show the ID card at the event.

FAMILY ATHLETIC PASSES: Parents and families can purchase a punch card to get into games 20 punches for $65.00. The family punch card can be purchase at the bookstore and is for parents and family members only and cannot be used by Ridge students to get into games.   Please visit MRHSathletics.com for more Information

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