4/4/22 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 4/4/22 Announcements
Date: April 4th 2022

ACT TESTING: On Tuesday, April 5th, all Juniors will be taking the mandatory ACT state test. Juniors will need to bring a photo ID, a calculator (if they have one) and a FULLY CHARGED iPad. Their testing room assignments have already been sent to them through Canvas. Grades 9th, 10th, and 12th will be learning from home asynchronously on that day.

CONGRATULATIONS WINTERGUARD: to the JV and Varsity Winterguard for their amazing season. State Championships were this weekend where our JV team received Silver Medals for their 2nd place finish in the regional round for Scholastic Regional A Class! On Saturday at Championships, JV placed 9th and Varsity placed 4th in their Championship Finals performance! We are so proud of your hard work and passion. Thank you to ALL who made this an amazing season! Our Winterguards will have one final performance for friends and family Tuesday evening at 7:45 PM. Hope to see you there!

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY VISIT: Interested in attending college out of state? Come hear from a representative from Nova Southeastern University, located in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Learn about campus life, degrees they offer, housing, and more to see if this would be a good fit for you. Sign up in FlexTimeManager to attend!

SEAL OF BILITERACY UPDATE:  We congratulate our language students for their hard work on the AAPPL exam. This is one of the exams that determines a person's fluency level in another language. We are celebrating that this year we had 22 students pass the AAPPL exam in Spanish, French and Korean! This is our highest number yet! Students will need to keep up their ELA grades and also pass their state exams in English to qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy! All results have been emailed to our test takers. Please see Mrs. Romero in C 219 if you have any questions.  

DONORS NEEDED:  Students and staff please help others in our community by donating blood on 4/21 at the on campus Vitalant Blood Drive.  Donor must be 16 and older, weigh over 110 pounds and be in good health. See Mrs. Rodgers in C216 to sign up and get a waiver if you are 16 or 17 years old.

PRESIDENTS VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWART:  The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a national program that recognizes accomplishments in service. The national program is run by the AmeriCorps program and the Points of Light Foundation. Mountain Ridge DECA is an official certifying agency for this award. Please visit the PVSA website

(Links to an external site.)for more information and history of the award.  Who can apply for the PVSA? Anyone over the age of five who has completed the required number of hours for their age group is eligible to apply for the PVSA through Mountain Ridge DECA .   Please note that you do not need to complete your service hours with Mountain Ridge DECA and be a National member in order to apply.  A volunteer document is linked on the MRHS Website to document your hours. It is under the "for students" section or see Ms. Debbie Moore for more information. 

NEW AP CLASS OFFERED THIS FALL - AP Seminar. AP Seminar is a fundamental course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing will receive the AP Capstone Diploma™. If you are interested in AP Seminar please schedule an appointment to see your counselor and add AP Seminar to your schedule for next year.

REMINDER: Students are NOT to park in the parking lot at the base of the Thunderbird Mountain hiking trail.  Tickets will be issued and cars will be towed at the owners expense.  

ATTENTION 11th & 12th GRADERS - You will need a copy of your transcript for colleges, employment or automobile insurance. You will have to get your transcript through Parchment. A Parchment account has been created for you. You can pick up your log information before school, after school and your lunch period. at the front office. Please ask for the registrar or the registrar clerk.

TSW RECYCLING PROGRAM: Dont't forget, the TSW staff and students have partnered with NexTrex to start a recycling program.  “When we donate our plastic film to Trex, we are helping to keep thousands of pounds of waste out of landfills and providing Trex with the supplies they need to make eco-friendly outdoor products.”  Look for posters around campus on what is acceptable to donate. Some examples are grocery bags, bread & ice bags, ziploc bags, bubble wrap, newspaper sleeves and dry cleaning bags.  Designated Trex boxes are in the administration building by the attendance window for you to drop off your donations.  If we collect more than 500 pounds of plastic refuse in a 6 month span (about 40,500 plastic bags), Trex will donate a high-performance composite bench to our school.  Winners will be announced on Earth Day Friday, April 22, 2022 , so start collecting!

ATTENTION STUDENTS: We are a closed campus and do not allow any outside deliveries of food to our campus. If someone comes in with food from an outside delivery, they will be sent away.

TICKETS for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door. To purchase your tickets go to www.mrhsathletics.com and click on the ticket link


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