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3/4/22 Announcements
March 4th 2022
NATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE WEEK: Happy foreign language week! Did you know there is a wordle for other languages? Try Spanish or French!
SENIOR GRADUATION SONG/NATIONAL ANTHEM: Reminder, any Senior interested in trying out for the graduation song or national anthem, tryouts our next Wednesday, March 9th, but you must sign up outside of room E218 by Tuesday after school to reserve your spot. Do this ASAP.
CAPSTONE ART EXHIBIT: Stop by the Mountain Ridge Rotunda by the bookstore to see the 2022 Capstone Exhibit featuring 4 senior artists, Zoe Giamanco, Isabella Harper, Haley Miller and Janeessa Rona. The exhibit features artwork created by these amazing artists based on a sustained investigation. They have worked many hours on the artworks this year for the exhibit to obtain the State Seal of Arts Proficiency on their diplomas and for their AP Studio Art portfolio exam. The exhibit will be on display now through March 11.
CONGRATULATIONS HOSA: Congratulations to Ash Bhakta, Diya Makadia and Sneha Velaga who have advanced to the HOSA State Officer Interviews, Saturday, March 5th. Good luck!
SOFS DIAPER DRIVE: Want help less fortunate mothers in need? SOFS is sponsoring a Diaper and Baby Products Drive until March 11. We are looking for diapers as well as baby products like baby wipes, baby shampoo, and powder to support the Phoenix New Life Pregnancy center. They would truly appreciate your help. Bring in any donations to your 1st hour, and the class with most donations will get a donut party! Members can also earn community service hours for their donations!
SPEECH & DEBATE: This past weekend, speech and debate competed at states. Eugene Kim took home 6th place in spoken word poetry, Daniyal Siddiqui took home 4th place in prose, priya list and raksha suresh advanced to octofinals in public forum debate, and fallon sullivan advanced to semis in extemporaneous speaking!
2022 RIDGE RUN: The Ridge Run will be March 26th this year. We will be running the Thunderbird Mountain at 8am. It is a Race to the Top for you, your friends, your teammates and your neighbors. $20 for a t-shirt and participation medal and snacks. You will use the Nike Run Club app to compete for prizes that day as well. See Ms Debbie Moore for more information or email her at
SENIOR GRADUATION SPEECH: Reminder, any Senior interested in trying out for the graduation speech, tryouts our next Wednesday, but you must sign up outside of room E218 by Tuesday after school to reserve your spot. Do this ASAP.
SENIORS WITH SCHOLORSHIPS: We want to honor our seniors for the scholarships they have received from universities/colleges, organizations, and foundations. Please bring copies of any scholarships you have received to the counseling office or email them to Ms. Dyal at by Monday, March 21st.
NEW AP CLASS OFFERED THIS FALL - AP Seminar. AP Seminar is a fundamental course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing will receive the AP Capstone Diploma™. If you are interested in AP Seminar please schedule an appointment to see your counselor and add AP Seminar to your schedule for next year.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY APPLICATIONS: National Honor Society applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now open. Current sophomores and juniors with a minimum 3.8 GPA are invited to complete an application. See Mrs. Abbott in C207 or Ms. Canizales in E215
REMINDER: Students are NOT to park in the parking lot at the base of the Thunderbird Mountain hiking trail. Tickets will be issued and cars will be towed at the owners expense.
ATTENTION 11th & 12th GRADERS - You will need a copy of your transcript for colleges, employment or automobile insurance. You will have to get your transcript through Parchment. A Parchment account has been created for you. You can pick up your log information before school, after school and your lunch period. at the front office. Please ask for the registrar or the registrar clerk.
TSW RECYCLING PROGRAM: Dont't forget, the TSW staff and students have partnered with NexTrex to start a recycling program. “When we donate our plastic film to Trex, we are helping to keep thousands of pounds of waste out of landfills and providing Trex with the supplies they need to make eco-friendly outdoor products.” Look for posters around campus on what is acceptable to donate. Some examples are grocery bags, bread & ice bags, ziploc bags, bubble wrap, newspaper sleeves and dry cleaning bags. Designated Trex boxes are in the administration building by the attendance window for you to drop off your donations. If we collect more than 500 pounds of plastic refuse in a 6 month span (about 40,500 plastic bags), Trex will donate a high-performance composite bench to our school. Winners will be announced on Earth Day Friday, April 22, 2022 , so start collecting!
ATTENTION SENIORS: Order your cap and gown for graduation here. The Deadline is approaching fast!
ATTENTION STUDENTS: We are a closed campus and do not allow any outside deliveries of food to our campus. If someone comes in with food from an outside delivery, they will be sent away.
TICKETS for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door. To purchase your tickets go to and click on the ticket link
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