2/8/22 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 2/8/22 Announcements
Date: February 8th 2022

CONGRATULATIONS ACADEMIC DECATHLON AT REGIONALS: Congrats to Priya List, Fallon Sullivan, Evey Aspaas, Joshua Dunagan, Kendall Christiansen, Julian Straub, Gina Makdesi, & Michael Torres for an amazing performance this weekend against 25 other teams in our region. Special recgonition goes out to Priya for an outstanding speech & Kendall for the sheer # of medals! 

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY APPLICATIONS:  National Honor Society applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now open. Current sophomores and juniors with a minimum 3.8 GPA are invited to complete an application. See Mrs. Abbott in C207 or Ms. Canizales in E215

CHANGE COURSE REQUEST: Attention all students, the last day to change course requests for the 2022-2023 school year is February 18th. Changes will not be made after that time. If you have not chosen any courses at all after February 18th, your courses will be chosen for you. If you need help adjusting your course requests please fill out a pass to see your counselor.

ATTENTION SENIORS: Remember Cap & Gown pictures are available to be taken on Tuesday February 8th.  Bring payent or go online to GRADS Photograhy.  Come to the bookstore to be released during AcaPrep.

REMINDER:  Students are NOT to park in the parking lot at the base of the Thunderbird Mountain hiking trail.  Tickets will be issued and cars will be towed at the owners expense.  

ATTENTION 11th & 12th GRADERS - You will need a copy of your transcript for colleges, employment or automobile insurance. You will have to get your transcript through Parchment. A Parchment account has been created for you. You can pick up your log information before school, after school and your lunch period. at the front office. Please ask for the registrar or the registrar clerk.

ATTENTION BILINGUAL JUNIORS & SENIORS: The Seal of Biliteracy Testing will take on March 2nd. The deadline to sign up is February 11th. Please check your Canvas messages for more information. The Seal of Biliteracy is an award that students can earn upon graduation that highlights their abilities in two or more languages. We encourage our students in third and fourth year language classes as well as our heritage learners to strive to earn this award!  

TSW RECYCLING PROGRAM: Dont't forget, the TSW staff and students have partnered with NexTrex to start a recycling program.  “When we donate our plastic film to Trex, we are helping to keep thousands of pounds of waste out of landfills and providing Trex with the supplies they need to make eco-friendly outdoor products.”  Look for posters around campus on what is acceptable to donate. Some examples are grocery bags, bread & ice bags, ziploc bags, bubble wrap, newspaper sleeves and dry cleaning bags.  Designated Trex boxes are in the administration building by the attendance window for you to drop off your donations.  If we collect more than 500 pounds of plastic refuse in a 6 month span (about 40,500 plastic bags), Trex will donate a high-performance composite bench to our school.  Winners will be announced on Earth Day Friday, April 22, 2022 , so start collecting!

ATTENTION SENIORS: Order your cap and gown for graduation here. The Deadline is approaching fast! https://view.vidreach.io/q/RFXr2lHD

ATTENTION STUDENTS: We are a closed campus and do not allow any outside deliveries of food to our campus. If someone comes in with food from an outside delivery, they will be sent away.

TICKETS for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door. To purchase your tickets go to www.mrhsathletics.com and click on the ticket link

STUDENT ATHLETIC PASSES: Students you can avoid the online ticket fees and purchase your Student Athletic pass from the bookstore. This pass costs $30.00 and will get you into all regular season HOME games. Your student pass will be put on your Student ID card and you must show the ID card at the event.

FAMILY ATHLETIC PASSES: Parents and families can purchase a punch card to get into games 20 punches for $65.00. The family punch card can be purchase at the bookstore and is for parents and family members only and can not be used by Ridge students to get into games.


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