11/15/21 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 11/15/21 Announcements
Date: November 15th 2021

MIDWEST CLINIC PERFORMANCES: The Mountain Ridge HS Sax Quartet and the Highland HS Symphonic Strings will preview their Midwest Clinic performances Wednesday, November 17 at 7:00 PM in the Mountain Ridge High School Auditorium. This will be an incredible concert, featuring the very best in high school music, and ASU saxophone professor, Christopher Creviston. Hope to see you there!
ACTIVE MINDS: Active Minds will be meeting on Thursday, November 18th during ACA Prep. We will be training our members to use V-A-R on campus and in the community. Join us to learn how help for those struggling with mental health can come in many forms.

SOFS MEETING: Next SOFS meeting will be this Thursday, November 18 in the Media Center during AcaPrep. Sign up in FlexTime Manager!

BABBOS ITALIAN EATERY: Join us Thurs., Nov. 18, as Educators Rising hosts a fundraiser at Babbo's Italian Eatery at 67th  Ave and 101. Enjoy delicious Italian food and 20% of the proceeds will go to Ed Rising. Show the flier posted on the MRHS website. See you there! 

KETTLECORN FOR SALE: Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out!
BEST BUDDIES:  Best Buddies club members, our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 18th during acaprep. Please sign up in Flex Time Manager to join us!"

ATTENTION SENIORS: Order your cap and gown for graduation here. The Deadline is approaching fast! https://view.vidreach.io/q/RFXr2lHD

ATTENTION STUDENTS:  We are a closed campus and do not allow any outside deliveries of food to our campus.  If someone comes in with food from an outside delivery, they will be sent away.

TICKETS for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door. To purchase your tickets go to www.mrhsathletics.com and click on the ticket link:

DECA:  Congratulations to the following Mountain Ridge Marketing & DECA students in the International Virtual Business Competition:  State Champions: Kora Lee in Sports and Karl Naba in Personal Finance.  Top 10 Finish in State:  Hotel Management – Teagan Bernard in 6th place.  Mason Elliot, Aili Renner and Bryce Selman in 7th place.  Top 20 Finish in State: Fashion – Melody Montero and Katelyn Polmeni.  Entrepreneurship – Luke Mayfield and Gavin Romano.  Hotel Management – Michael Petrovan, Issac Buchan and Hayden Shinsky.

STUDENT ATHLETIC PASSES: Students you can avoid the online ticket fees and purchase your Student Athletic pass from the bookstore. This pass costs $30.00 and will get you into all regular season HOME games. Your student pass will be put on your Student ID card and you must show the ID card at the event.

FAMILY ATHLETIC PASSES: Parents and families can purchase a punch card to get into games 20 punches for $65.00. The family punch card can be purchase at the bookstore and is for parents and family members only and can not be used by Ridge students to get into games.


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