10/13/21 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 10/13/21 Announcements
Date: October 13th 2021

Homecoming Tickets & Spirit Week!  Tickets are on sale TODAY for the Homecoming Dance “Ridge Carnival”.  Make sure you get your code of conduct forms turned in before you can buy your tickets.  The dance is on Saturday, Oct. 23rd at Glendale Civic Center from 7-10pm and tickets are $25 for a single and $40 for a couple.  Tickets are available at the bookstore during lunches so beat the crowd and get yours early!!  Tickets will not be sold at the door.  Keep posted to the announcements as there is a lot planned for this year’s Homecoming!! 

Thursday 10/14 - Tic Tac Twins (Twin Day)

Friday 10/18 - Popcorn, Peanuts, Cracker Jack (Jersey Day)

Monday 10/18 - Circus Animals (Animal Print)

Tuesday 10/19 - Trapeze Tuesday (Workout Gear)

Wednesday 10/20 - Balloon Pop (Color Day)

Okay, now it is time to reveal who YOU voted for your Homecoming Royalty Attendees. 

For Freshman Attendant:  Austin Davis and Luca Mather

For Sophomore Attendant:  Lincoln Baldonado and Aubrey Lee

For Junior Attendant:  Christian Madoski and Nicolette Tirpak

For Senior Attendant:  Evy Gavriilidis and Kiley Hawkins

Remember King and Queen will be announced at the football game on Friday, look for your winners and nominees in the parade on Friday morning.  The nominees are again:

For King: Leo Karandreas, Hershal Singh and Davin Tabert, For Queen:  Alyssa Pope, Jaden Sands and Katie Seibold

Congratulations to all our winners and nominees! 

HOMECOMING DANCE TICKETS: Homecoming Dance tickets are on sale in the bookstore.  You must have your dance code of conduct and if bringing a guest, the guest form with you in order to purchase.  Tickets are $25 for a single and $40 for a couple.  Last day to purchase is Thursday, Oct. 21st!  

ATTENTION SENIORS:  Order your cap and gown for graduation here.  The Deadline to order is October 15th  https://view.vidreach.io/q/RFXr2lHD

FOOD DRIVE:  Please bring in your canned goods and non-perishable items.  Your first hour teacher will be collecting, or you may bring your donations to Mr. Evans room (E218)  All donations will benefit the Saint Mary's Food Bank.  Lets do this Ridge!

GIFTED TESTING: If you are interested in being tested for the gifted program please contact Mrs. Jewett is E211 or email andrea.jewett@dvusd.org to get a permission slip.  Permission is due back by October15 and testing will be on October 26.

SOCIETY OF FEMALE SCHOLORS: Hey ladies, Don't forget our next Society of Female Scholars meeting is this Thursday during AcaPrep. We are in the Media Center, and we will be meeting our officers and talking about Homecoming. Be sure to attend!  If you can't make it during AcaPrep, you can attend our make-up meeting Friday morning Oct 15th and 7:00AM in Ms. Larios' room C107. Hope to see you at one of these important meetings!

UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI: A representative from the University of Miami will be presenting virtually on Thursday, Oct 14th during AcaPrep. This is a great opportunity to learn about this top research university in Miami, FL. Sign up in Flex Time Manager to attend the presentation.

TICKETS for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door. To purchase your tickets go to www.mrhsathletics.com and click on the ticket link: Registration for AP exams is open in Total Registration. Any registrations after November 8th will incur a $5 late fee per exam. Any registrations after November 15th will incur a $40 late fee per exam. If you need help signing up in Total Registration please speak with your AP teacher. If you have further questions please contact Ms. Matthews or Ms. Belnap in the counseling office.

ATTENTION AP STUDENTS:  Registration for AP exams is open in Total Registration. Any registrations after November 8th will incur a $5 late fee per exam. Any registrations after November 15th will incur a $40 late fee per exam. If you need help signing up in Total Registration please speak with your AP teacher. If you have further questions please contact Ms. Matthews or Ms. Belnap in the counseling office.

STUDENT ATHLETIC PASSES: Students you can avoid the online ticket fees and purchase your Student Athletic pass from the bookstore. This pass costs $30.00 and will get you into all regular season HOME games. Your student pass will be put on your Student ID card and you must show the ID card at the event.
FAMILY ATHLETIC PASSES: Parents and families can purchase a punch card to get into games 20 punches for $65.00. The family punch card can be purchase at the bookstore and is for parents and family members only and can not be used by Ridge students to get into games. 

JOIN DECA:  The DECA membership drive is underway until October. *Come join us as a National DECA member for only $20. *See Ms Debbie Moore or Mr Jeffrey Samaniego to start your journey with Ridge DECA.The link is in the DECA Canvas course. You will be eligible for the over $200.000 in DECA scholarships, competitions and special events. www.deca.org/high-school-programs/scholarships/

SPIRIT & SENIOR SHIRTS: Make sure you get your Spirit Shirts and Senior shirts in the bookstore to show your school spirit on Fridays. Shirts are $20 and can be bought in the bookstore, before school, at lunch or after school. 

ATHLETIC YARD SIGNS:   Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your Winter sports/activities yard sign for you student.  Sign are $25.  Available for Band, Football, Pom, Cheer, Color Guard, Dive, Swimming, Cross Country, Golf, Volleyball and Badminton.  Contact mrhspom@gmail.com for an order form.  

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