Summer Camp Drop Off & Pick Up Information

From: "CommEd Summer Camp" <>
Subject: Summer Camp Drop Off & Pick Up Information
Date: June 9th 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian:


Welcome to our Community Education “Stay-cation” Summer Camp childcare program.  In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for your family, we are implementing a few changes to our normal drop off and pick up procedures.  We ask that you follow these simple steps:

  1. Allow an additional 20-30 minutes for drop off to ensure arriving at your work destination in a safe and timely manner.

  2. When approaching the entrance, please maintain the recommended 6 ft. social distancing with other families.  We will have tape marking the preferred spacing.

  3. Families will be directed to enter one door and exit another to maintain traffic flow and distancing.

  4. Only one family will enter the building at a time to sign in. Once that family exits, the next family may enter.

  5. Upon entry, we ask that everyone uses hand sanitizer prior to approaching the sign in table.

  6. While you are signing your child into the program, a staff member will escort your child(ren) to the nearest restroom to wash their hands prior to joining a small group/ activity of no more than 9 students.

  7. You will be asked 3 simple questions re: your child’s health each day.  If you answer “yes” to any of the 3 questions, we will ask that you make other arrangements for childcare that day.  This is to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all students and staff. (Waiver)

  8. If you arrive for drop off or pick up between the hours of  9:00 am - 3:00 pm, we ask that you text the number for your camp (below) upon arrival in the parking lot, as we will keep our door secured to ensure only authorized persons enter our childcare camp. If you are picking up, this will expedite the process as it will allow time for staff to bring your child and their belongings to the entrance.  As always, be prepared to show a government issued photo identification upon pick up.  Only those listed on the child’s emergency form will be allowed to pick up.   If you are dropping your child off for the day, it will allow staff time to prepare for your arrival.

Again, please allow for 20-30 minutes additional time especially for the first week or two as you will not only be signing in, answering the 3 questions, but will also be signing their emergency information form, picking up camp t-shirts, and providing written documentation for any medications needed for your child(ren).  We ask for your patience during this process, as not all students attend camp on the first day, or even week for that matter.


Text this number for pick up or drop off between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm



Legend Springs


Paseo Hills




Norterra Canyon









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