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DVUSD News - Welcome the Class of 2026
February 27th 2013
Deer Valley Kindergarten Registration Begins March 4 for the Class of 2026
A few weeks back, I overheard a story from a district employee that reinforced my passion and dedication for public education and kindergarten programming. The employee and her kindergarten son purchased Valentine cards for his classmates. His teacher provided parents in the classroom with a list of student names to personalize the cards. The employee and her son sat at their kitchen table with the cards and list of student names. Just before they began, the phone rang and she left the room to take the call. When she returned she witnessed something amazing.
Her son was spelling, reading and writing on his very own! He no longer needed her help. Just six months earlier he was walking into his kindergarten classroom on the first day of school with a brand new backpack, only knowing the spelling of his name. It became clear to her that a remarkable transformation occurred. It’s called EXCEPTIONAL public education.
As educators, we see this on a daily basis but it never gets old to hear the excitement and enthusiasm from a first time parent. After all, Kindergarten is about the fundamentals, educations’ foundation.
So, even with state-imposed budget reductions to education and obstacles that school districts may face, teaching a child to discover a brand new world with the gift of learning supersedes any challenge.
Stories like these affirm that not only does the Deer Valley Unified School District provide cutting-edge technologies, safe and secure environments and highly qualified and endorsed teachers, but an extraordinary educational experience for all students.
I have said this many times before and I’ll keep saying it, I am proud to be the superintendent of Deer Valley, an “A” rated district, and together we have achieved this rating for a second consecutive year. I invite you to visit your neighborhood DVUSD school and discover all the amazing things that await your child. Kindergarten registration begins March 4. Visit our district website, for more information.
Dr. James R. Veitenheimer
DVUSD Superintendent
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