DVUSD - Digital News Flash 12-19-11

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD - Digital News Flash 12-19-11
Date: December 21st 2011

SCHOOL NAME: Bellair Elementary School

CITY: Glendale, AZ


Full Name: Food Drive

Title/Grade: Bellair PE team and Student Council

What: Bellair Elementary reaches out to community by hosting food drive benefiting Westside Food Banks.  Over 2,500 food items were donated by students and staff.  Mrs. Shaffer’s 5th grade class will enjoy a pumpkin pie party for having the largest class contribution.


Food Bank


What: Bellair’s PTA organized the annual Angel Tree program to benefit Bellair families with food and gifts for the holidays.

Angel Tree


SCHOOL NAME: Canyon Springs

CITY: Phoenix, AZ


Full Name: Maxwell Lewis

Title/Grade: 8th grade

What:  Spelling Bee winner

Spelling Bee


SCHOOL NAME: Constitution Elementary

CITY: Phoenix, AZ


Title/Grade: Pre K - 3rd grade students

What:  Constitution students in PreK - 3rd grade were visited by Santa Claus. Students took pictures with Santa and choose a toy or book to take home.

Santa visit


SCHOOL NAME: Desert Winds Elementary

CITY: Phoenix, AZ


Full Name: Desert Winds Nurse Sara Mihaljevich with student winners of the Change for a Change contest.

What: Students walked a total of 31 miles during PE classes in support of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and raised over $1,400.00 for the Foundation by making donations of spare change.

Change for a Change


SCHOOL NAME: Esperanza

CITY: Phoenix, AZ


Full Name: Back Row (Left to Right) Dulce Montoya, Brandy Solis, Larissa Palamino, Willow Christofferson, Ireland Kennedy, JaVaugh Guadalupe,

Front Row (Left to Right) Tyler Szymanski, Kevin Crowley Branden Dora Sam Van Dusen

Title/Grade: 5 - 6  grade

What: Esperanza band students spreading holiday cheer at school book fair.

Book Fair spreading cheer


SCHOOL NAME: Highland Lakes

CITY: Glendale, AZ


Full Name: Dimes of Diabetes

Title/Grade: Mr. Seraichicks class

What: Students from Mr. Peter Seraichick’s class holding the banner Highland Lakes received from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) recognizing their donation efforts for raising $406.82. 

Full Name: Shayla McLeod and Tiana Do

Title/Grade: 4th graders in Mr. Scott Currier’s class

Recognition: Spelling Bee winners

Full Name: 8th grader Muneeb Ahmed and 7th grader Tia Boudreau

Title/Grade: Middle school students at Highland Lakes

Recognition: Spelling Bee winners


Full Name: Kindergarten and middle school students

What: Mrs. Tracy Brown’s kindergarten students making holiday ornaments with the help of Mrs. Kirsten Harder’s 7th grade Language Arts Students. 


Holiday Ornaments


Full Name: Mrs. Mary Ellington

Title/Grade: Assistant Principal, Highland Lakes School

What: Mrs. Ellington had the students in Mrs. Laura Rodi’s first grade class intrigued as they listened intently as she read the story “Yes Virgina, There Is A Santa Claus.”


Ellington reading book


SCHOOL NAME: Hillcrest Middle School

CITY: Glendale, AZ


Full Name: Hillcrest students with Channel 12 news anchor Scott Light

Title/Grade: 7 - 8 grade

What: Students were invited by Channel 12 hero central for having over $500.00 worth of toys donated by students.  The yearbook staff raised another $500.00 wrapping gifts at Barnes & Noble. The toys were donated to Mendy’s Place Children’s Hospital.


12News Scott Light with Hillcrest students



CITY: New River, AZ


Full Name:  Marie Maki

Title/Grade: Teacher

Name of Award: December Certified Employee of the Month

Full Name: Melanie Henry

Title/Grade: Monitor

Recognition: December Classified Employee of the month



Full Name: Jason Dahlby and Raquel Reid

Title/Grade: 6th grade

What:  New River elementary Spelling Bee winner Jason Dahlby and runner up Raquel Reid


Spelling Bee winners


SCHOOL West Wing Elementary

CITY: Peoria, AZ


Full Name: West Wing Family Fun Run

Title/Grade: Jingle Bell Jog

Name of Award: The PE department at West Wing Elementary held a Family Fun Run. Students and family members purchased jingle bell necklaces and ran a 1 mile fun run.  West Wing PE department raised $280.00 for the Andre House in downtown Phoenix.


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