DVUSD News - Renaissance Gifted and Music Academy

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - Renaissance Gifted and Music Academy
Date: December 7th 2011

Renaissance Gifted and Music Academy Expands New Middle School Component

Have Coffee with DVUSD Administrators to Learn About Gifted Program

PHOENIX, Ariz. – December 6, 2011 – The Deer Valley Unified School District’s Renaissance Gifted and Music Academy will be moving to Highland Lakes in the 2012-13 school year to expand the program by adding middle school grades. Deer Valley will be hosting the following “Parent Coffee” meetings to inform parents about the program and answer any questions.

Friday, December 9        10:30 a.m. at Canyon Springs, 42901 N. 45th Ave. in Anthem

Monday, December 19    10:30 a.m. at Highland Lakes, 19000 N. 63rd Ave. in Glendale

Highland Lakes was selected as the ideal school to relocate the Academy due to the size of the campus which can maintain the entire program on one site and provide available space for growth of the program. Students must qualify in order to enroll into this program.

The new middle school component will include advanced classes in all content areas (language arts, social studies, science and math), Spanish and orchestra. The music component is what sets the Renaissance Gifted and Music Academy apart from other gifted programs. DVUSD’s highly gifted students receive vocal and instrumental music instruction at least three times a week. The music portion of the Academy includes strings, a piano lab and an instrumental pilot program. Students can also participate in choir and band.

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