DVUSD News Flash 10-03-11

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News Flash 10-03-11
Date: October 14th 2011

SCHOOL NAME:   Anthem School

CITY: Anthem


What:  ACE Program Kickoff at Anthem School – Parachute Drop Contest

Where: Anthem’s School Field

When:  October 24

What:  PTA Community Sale

Where:  Anthem School parking lot

When:  October 22


Full Name:  2011 Computer Innovation Grant Recipients

Title/Grade:  Mrs. Huemoeller, Mrs. Kumar, and Mrs. Dunn

Type of Recognition: $15,000, worth of new resources for Anthem Students by awarding 25 new Netbooks for student use.

Name of Award: 2011 Computer Innovation Grant

Organization: DVUSD – Teaching and Learning Dept.


Full Name:   Anthem School Welcomes Fox 10 News

Title/Grade:   Cory McCloskey w/students

What:  Fox 10 Whirly Bird Wednesday at Anthem School on 9/21/11


Fox 10 visit


Full Name:  Sheriff Joe Arpoio visits Anthem School’s 8th grade students

Title/Grade:  Alexia H., MadisonH., Samantha L., Madison K., Sheriff Arpio, Dezmond E., Matthew D., Andrew N., Lucas J., Zach B., Casey D.

What:  Sheriff Joe Arpio presented to 8th graders on 9/12 as part of a week long series in Career Exploration.  The students learned about the Sheriff’s history in Law Enforcement, the daily operations of Maricopa County Jails and the duty of public safety.  The Sheriff stressed the importance of making healthy choices for a good life by saying no to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.


Career Exploration











SCHOOL NAME: Bellair Elementary School

CITY: Glendale


What:  Scholastic Book Fair – open to all, portion of proceeds go toward school book/equipment purchases.

Where: Media Center, Bellair Elementary School

When:  October 17-21

SCHOOL NAME: Esperanza Elementary

CITY: Phoenix


What: PTSA’s Fall Festival

Where: Esperanza Elementary School, 251 W. Mohawk Ln.

When: Friday, October 28, 5-8 p.m.

Games, small silent auction, food and fun.

SCHOOL NAME:  Desert Sky Middle School

CITY:   Glendale  


What:  Student Council Food Drive

Where: Desert Sky Middle School

When:  November 1 – December 16


 Desert Sky’s annual St. Mary’s Westside Food Bank food drive will be November 1 to December 16.  The drive has been an on-going event for the last 16 years and usually brings in 8,000 to 10,000 lbs. of food.  Students who donate canned foods will be eligible to win a gift card in the weekly Food Drive Raffle and the grand prize of a 32” flat screen TV.


What:     Fall Concert

Where:   Desert Sky Middle School Gym

When:    October 13, 7 p.m.


The concert will include the 7th grade Band and Choir students only.



Full Name:  Monique Armenta

Title/Grade:  Library Clerk

Recognition:  Adult of the Month



SCHOOL NAME: Greenbrier Elementary School

CITY: Glendale


What:  Greenbrier Elementary School’s Scholastic Book Fair

Where: Greenbrier Media Center, 6150 W. Greenbrier

When: October 14 and 17 – 21 (during school hours)


Full Name: Jason Kadah, Greenbrier 4th Grade Students

Title/Grade: News Channel 5 (CBS) Meteorologist/4th grade

What: Weather Road Show presentation for all Greenbrier 4th Grade students

Full Name: Judy Blauser, Sabrina Bridges & “Miss Addie” (Seeing Eye Dog), Greenbrier 1st Graders

Title/Grade: Members of the Glendale Lion’s Club, 1st Grade Students

What: Greenbrier 1st Graders learn about the American Flag from members of the Glendale Lion’s Club.

SCHOOL NAME:  Highland Lakes school



What:  “Music, Pie, and Costumes” 6th Grade Adv Band and 7th/8th Grade Wind Ensemble Band Concert

Where: Highland Lakes School Gym

When:  Wednesday, October 19th, 6:30 pm

What: ”Holiday Pops” Jazz Band, 5th Grade Beg. Band, 6th Grade Adv. Band, and 7th/8th Wind Ensemble Band Concert

Where: Highland Lakes School Gym

When:  Wednesday, December 14th, 6:30 pm

What:  Mrs. Brown’s Kindergarten classes will travel to Tolmachoff Farms for fun fall festivities

Where: Tolmachoff Farms, 5726 N. 75th Avenue in Glendale, AZ.

When:  October 18, 9:15 am – 12:30 pm.

What: 2nd Annual Veterans Day Ceremony to honor Veterans of the Armed Services and retired Veterans

Where: Highland Lakes School

When: November 19, 10:30 am – 12 pm


Full Name:  Mr. Jed Dunn

Title/Grade: 7th and 8th Grade PE teacher at Highland Lakes and Basket Ball coach at DVHS.

Type of Recognition: Albertsons located at 59th Ave and Beardsley awarded Mr. Dunn $500.00 which will be used to send his basket ball team to FCA camp this summer.

Name of Award: Grand Opening Rededication Awards

Organization: Donation from Albertsons to Mr. Dunn’s basket ball team

Full Name:  Lindsey Stegh

Title/Grade: Science teacher

Type of Recognition: Global Field Program

Name of Award: Program Participant

Organization: Miami University of Ohio

Lindsey Stegh is a 7th and 8th Grade Science teacher at Highland Lakes

School and a graduate student in the Global Field Program through Miami University of Ohio.  As an Inquiry-Action Project, Stegh is currently leading her students in an investigation over the topic of water conservation.  Students first brain-stormed the different ways in which they use water during their everyday lives.  Next, they compiled lists of ways to conserve water - through both behavioral changes and choices, and in using technological, conservational devices.  Finally, the classes chose a device that would be easy and effective to install at their school: faucet aerators. 


Students were sent into classrooms throughout the school where they compared the flow rate of sink water faucets that did not have an aerator installed with ones that did have an aerator.  In analyzing the results, Stegh's class determined that faucet aerators are indeed, quite effective devices in helping to conserve water, and concluded that the school should purchase new ones in order to take part in this effort.  The final step in this movement is to bring attention to the district and community of the easy and purposeful methods for conserving water - in order to save money as well as a very limited resource here in the valley.


Water Conservation


SCHOOL NAME: Legend Springs School

CITY: Glendale


What:  “Character Counts” kick-off begins Friday, Oct. 14 with a special Flagpole ceremony that features student singers, a different theme each day that highlights a character trait, sock and glove drive, a magical act, and a poster contest. 

Where: Legend Springs Elementary School

When:  October 14-21

SCHOOL NAME: New River School

CITY: New River


Full Name: New River Family Bowling Night

Title/Grade: First Graders

What: New River students and families participating in Family Bowling Night, September 29. The New River PE Department organized a Family Bowling Night to raise funds for PE equipment. Over 200 staff members, students and their families came out to enjoy a night of bowling and supporting the PE Department.


Bowling Night


Full Name: Dr. Tennille and Kayla Jones

Title/Grade: 5th grade

What: two students from each class (one for academics and one for behavior) received a special recognition with Dr. Tennille and many parents.


New River student recognition


Full Name: Lilly Graham

Title/Grade:1st grade

What: two students from each class (one for academics and one for behavior) received a special recognition with Dr. Tennille and many parents.



SCHOOL NAME: Park Meadows

CITY: Phoenix


Full Name: Principal Kathi Humble assisting members from Arizona Family Karate Academy and the Warner Family with donated school supplies.

Title/Grade: kindergarten through sixth-grade

What: Donation from Arizona Family Karate Academy and Warner Family of school supplies of pencils, markers, glue, backpacks, composition books, highlighters and many other much needed and appreciated school supplies for students and staff.



SCHOOL NAME: Sierra Verde School

CITY: Glendale


What: Sierra Verde Pride Assembly

Where: Sierra Verde Multipurpose Room

When: Friday October 14, 9am


Full Name: Matt Bender of the Glendale Fire Department

Title/Grade: Fire Pal Visit

What: Students learn an important lesson on safety


Fire Pal Visit



CITY:  Peoria


What:  Walktober

Where: West Wing Park

When:  October 19, 8 a.m.


CITY: Peoria


What:  Glee Give A Note Contest Please support the West Wing Band and Choral program by voting for their video submission in this year’s national contest.

Where: www.gleegiveanote.com

When:  Voting lasts until November 7


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