From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News
Date: July 13th 2011

DVUSD Names New Principals for Hillcrest Middle, Paseo Hills, Sierra Verde and Stetson Hills

The Deer Valley Unified School District named four new principals to begin 2011-12 who were approved at Tuesday’s July 12 Governing Board Meeting. Principals are Estela Hazelton at Hillcrest Middle, Sharon Matt at Paseo Hills School, Dr. Paula Tseunis at Sierra Verde School and Amy Jorgensen at Stetson Hills School. Each school will be hosting a “Meet Your New Principal” night this month for staff and families.
Estela HazeltonMs. Hazelton joined Deer Valley in 2001 as a classroom teacher at Mountain Ridge High School and became assistant principal in 2005. Ms. Hazelton received her bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Certification from the Arizona State University West and master’s degrees in Educational Leadership and Bilingual Education from the Northern Arizona University. Ms. Hazelton is an active member of Arizona School Administrators Association.



Sharon MattMs. Matt served as the principal at Arrowhead Elementary in 1999 and most recently as Director of Curriculum for Deer Valley since 2005. Prior to joining the district, she was a classroom teacher in Washington Elementary School District. Ms. Matt received her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Colorado and masters in Educational Leadership from Arizona State University.



Paula TseunisDr. Tseunis joined Deer Valley in 1996 and served as a classroom teacher and assistant principal at Mountain Ridge High School, assistant principal at Boulder Creek High School in 2007 and Professional Development Coordinator in 2008. Most recently she served as the Professional Development Facilitator for the Arizona State University. She received her bachelor’s degree in English and Language Arts from the Northern Arizona University and masters and doctorate in Educational Leadership from the Arizona State University.


Ms. Jorgensen joined Deer Valley in 2000 as a classroom teacher and Administrative Intern at Deer Valley Middle School and most recently assistant principal at Gavilan Peak and Anthem Schools. Ms. Jorgensen received her bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education and masters in Educational Administration and Supervision from the Arizona State University West and masters in Elementary Education from the Northern Arizona University.


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