DVUSD - Around Our Schools January 3 - 11, 2010

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD - Around Our Schools January 3 - 11, 2010
Date: January 7th 2011

Around Our Schools January 3 -7, 2011

Deer Valley Elementary Schools


Anthem School PTA presents Stargazing for Everyone, LLC; Skylab Portable Planetarium. Out of This World Space Science Programs That Come to Your School, Wednesday, Jan 19, Anthem School Cafeteria @ 6:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

The inside of the dome provides a night sky environment for studying the stars, constellations, the moon, planets, deep space objects, celestial coordinates, the seasons, multicultural folklore/mythology, and much more. Each 20 minute program accommodates 80 people please stop by the cafeteria to get your free ticket at 5:45 p.m., http://www.nightskyshow.com.

Canyon Springs

Over one hundred thirty 4th through 6th graders, the Canyon Springs Choraliers, and 7th and 8th graders, the Singing Sensations, performed their winter concert and at the Outlets at Anthem Mall in front of the tallest Christmas tree in the nation (110 feet tall).and last month. The students performed under the direction of Miss Jill Campbell.

Under the direction of two Canyon Springs teachers, Britney Dueling and Leslie Pacimeo, Canyon Springs students conducted a successful food raising approximately 3,227 items, well over 2,000 pounds which were donated to the Foothills Bank. Students also sorted, boxed and marked all of the items to help save time for food bank volunteers.

Copper Creek

Logan Armstrong, 5th grade student from Mrs. Drey's class was chosen for the Holiday Shop with a Cop Program and was assigned a police officer that helped him select $150 worth of gifts at Target. Logan also had lunch and enjoyed a holiday puppet show at the Children’s Theater in Peoria with the officer.

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for this year’s Arizona Allstate Band: Alex Kathrins, Ben Sterback, Hannah Hafalia, Jack Mitchell, Josie Marak-Daransky, Megan Pallad, and Teresa Humphrey. In addition, Ben Sterbach, Hannah Hafalia, and Megan Pallad have been selected to perform at the Allstate Festival in March. Teresa Humphrey was selected as an alternate for this event.

Ms. Villalovos’ 6th grade class designed and constructed ecosystems. Once the constructions of their ecosystems were complete, they extended their experience to the studies of adaptation, botany, transpiration, structures of living organisms, and the water cycle.

Desert Sky Middle

Desert Sky’s 15th annual “St. Mary’s Westside Food Bank Food Drive” raised 10,000 pounds. Students who donated canned foods were eligible to win a gift card in a weekly Food Drive raffle and the grand prize of an IPod touch. Congratulations to student winners: Daeson Brady (8th grade); Justin Dahl (8th grade); Cady Flohrschutz (7th grade); Austin MC Cave (7th grade); and Sara Severn (7th grade).

Desert Sky held their 9th Annual Turkey Bowling Tournament raising close to $100 towards the food drive. Congratulations to the following students for winning gift cards during our student/staff basketball game on December 16th: Samantha Gromoll (7th grade); Tiffany Ramos (8th grade); and Richard Wood (7th grade).

Congratulations to the following Desert Sky students for being selected to participate in the All-State Jr. High Choir and All-State Band: ALL STATE JR. HIGH CHOIR: Tiffany Ramos (8th grade); Sara Silverstein (8th grade); and Michaella Stone (8th grade) ALL STATE BAND: Rachel Johnson (8th grade), Bryan Mack (7th grade); Courtney Schrade (7th grade).

Tarin Jones (8th grade), emerged as the DSMS Geography Bee school champion after more than 100 questions written by the National Geographic Society.

Congratulations to the following students for winning our November “Bolt Bonus” raffle for good character: D.J. BINGOCHEA (7th), KAHLUB EVERSOLE (7th), EDGAR HERNANDEZ (8th), ZOEY LONG (8th), DEVONTE MALIK GILLESPIE-WATTS (7th), MARLEE PIEPER (7th).

Congratulations to KYLE HANSON (8th grade) for winning the Character Counts Student of the 1st Quarter. Kyle won an IPod shuffle, donated by HORACE MAN INSURANCE.

Congratulations to Paraprofessional ROCHELLE HOGATE, for being selected by her peers as the November Adult of the Month.

Desert Winds

Desert Winds has been selected to participate in the Phoenix Suns/APS Quest for Quality and 3.0 Student Recognition Programs. Students have been working diligently to earn raffle tickets to free Suns games. Students earn tickets for displaying exemplary behavior in and out of the classroom. Yearbook Reminder: Desert Winds’ yearbooks can be pre-purchased. The pre-sale is from now until January 18. Pre-sale price for the yearbook is only $16. After January 18 the cost goes up to $20. If you would like to purchase a yearbook, please send your order form to Ms. Nichols (Room 200). The yearbooks are in full color. Third grade students are continuing S.T.E.M. this school year. S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

New River

The Character Trait for January is Caring. Students will be taking part in activities emphasizing Caring during the month.

The K-Kids Club at New River Elementary had a great time honoring our men and women firefighters. We are so thankful for their service to our community and school. The kids baked cookies for the New River - Daisy Mountain Fire Dept. Then, the dozens of cookies were packaged and delivered to the fire station. There was quite a bit of “taste testing" going on by all.

Winter Wonderland was a huge success at New River. New River PTSA sponsored the event that proved to be fun for the whole family. There were Arts and Crafts, food and more.

The Kindergarten students entertained their families and friends with a Holiday Concert. The program was planned and directed by their teacher, Sheila Rutan. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the program and were proud of their performance.

Congratulations to Noelle Peterson winner of the 2010 Spelling Bee. Noelle will represent New River in the District Spelling Bee in January. Congratulations also, to runner-up Tyler Schooley

New River students collected canned food to be donated to the Foothills Food Bank. When the donations were delivered they weighed in at 408 pounds.

Norterra Canyon

Susan Cary, 4th grade teacher, was just awarded the Target Field Trip Grant in the amount of $700.00.

Park Meadows

Congratulations to fifth-grade student Nhu Dang who was one of 12 state finalists for her entry in the Shannon’s Law poster contest. Nhu received a $50.00 gift card to Best Buy and a certificate from the Police academy.

The annual food drive was a resounding success. Park Meadows collected approximately 900 pounds of non-perishable food items that were donated to St. Mary’s Food Bank. The following are the classes who collected the most: Kindergarten and first-grade, Cheryl Rogers and Dena Mills, second-grade Jill Joralmon, third-grade, Tamara Santley, fourth-grade, Shelly Coco, fifth-grade, Rachael Galvan and sixth-grade, Meredith Ventimiglia. Many benefited by the generosity of the school-wide event.

Organized by kindergarten teacher Cheryl Rogers, twenty families participated in the Christmas Angel program. Park Meadows would like to thank all who participated in being an Angel and a special thank you to Mountain Ridge High School teacher Renee Woodruff and the DECA club.

Sierra Verde

Sierra Verde Student Government sponsored their first annual pet food drive to assist local animals in need. In just a few short weeks, students raised more than 1200 pounds of dry dog and cat food. The donations were delivered to the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control shelter last month. Through team work and participation, students were able to accomplish a truly amazing feat.

Last month Sierra Verde students, families, teachers and community members gathered together for a 2.5 mile Reindeer Run. The event, which was organized by Sierra Verde P.E. teachers Michelle Thomas and Steve Connelly, brought out many families. Raffle drawing included prizes from local businesses in Glendale. Fun was had by all who attended the event. Choir students under the direction of Mrs. Jamie Showers performed for the Sierra Verde community. Songs were focused on winter holidays and events.

Monday, December 13 fifth through eighth grade band students performed a medley of holiday infused songs for community members.

Deer Valley High Schools

Deer Valley HS

Deer Valley High School DECA students were awarded 30 medals at the Western Area Competition at ASU West this month. Congratulations to student winners:

Brittany Lucero: FIRST PLACE OVERALL - Sports and Entertainment Marketing

                           FIRST PLACE GOLD trophy for test- (only 2 awarded for the Western Area)
                           SECOND PLACE- Role play

Makayla Moosman: FIRST PLACE OVERALL - Quick Serve Restaurant Management

                                BRONZE MEDAL - test
                                SECOND PLACE - Role Play
Abby Mleynek:      THIRD PLACE OVERALL - Automotive Services Marketing
                             BRONZE MEDAL - test
                             SECOND PLACE - Role Play

Robert Lugo - Top Ten Overall Finalist - Apparel and Accessories Marketing


Alexis Watkins: BRONZE MEDAL - Test

Phil Special: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team

                     Top Ten Finalist Role Play
                     BRONZE MEDAL - test

Kyle Kaiser: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team

Top Ten Finalist Role Play

April Nelson: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Business Law and Ethics Team

Top Ten Finalist Role Play

Samantha Harmon: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Business Law and Ethics Team

Top Ten Finalist Role Play

Cameron Kaiser: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team

Elayna Hoskyns: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team

Sam Starcevich: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Business Law and Ethics Team

Jason Ginn: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Business Law and Ethics Team

Alex Ennis: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Principles of Marketing

Andrew Braden: Top Ten Overall Finalist - Principles of Marketing

Hannah Brockhurst: Top Ten Finalist Role Play - Travel and Tourism Marketing Team

Erik Smelser: Top Ten Finalist Role Play - Travel and Tourism Marketing Team

Trey Stautberg: Top Ten Finalist Role Play - Automotive Services Marketing

Mountain Ridge

Hannah Leber, 9th grader MRHS has been selected as a winner in the Twenty-Sixth Annual Arizona State University Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Contest. Hannah took second in the poster category.

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