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DVUSD News Message
November 5th 2010
November 1 - 5, 2010 | |
Deer Valley Elementary Schools
Canyon Springs
Canyon Springs will be recognizing students at the first quarter awards assemblies on Friday, November 5. Students will be recognized for Honor Roll, Principal’s List, and Character Counts. The schedule is as follows:
8:30a.m. – grades 5-6 and a.m. kindergarten
9:15 a.m. – grades 7-8
1:30 p.m. – grades 3-4
2:15 p.m. – grades 1-2 and p.m. kindergarten
Canyon Springs first Parent Institute class of the year will be held on
Monday, November 8. This class will focus on the enVision math curriculum for grades k-5, how to utilize enVision online resources with your child, and how to support your child at home. Parents who have students in grades k-2 will attend from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and parents with students in grades 3-5 will attend following the PTSA meeting at 3:15 – 5 p.m.
Copper Creek
Copper Creek’s music teacher Catherine Sturm sings with the Scottsdale Chorus of Sweet Adelines International and is also the assistant director. The chorus recently earned 3,280 points, the highest score ever to win an international contest.
Copper Creek Elementary had it's fall Scholastic Book Fair the week earlier this month in the media center. During the Book Fair there was a contest to see who could "Guess How Many Pages" in the stack of books. The winners were: Heather Howell (2nd grade), Mackenzie Haren (6th grade) and Ryan McDougall (6th grade).
Mrs. MacKenzie, the media center clerk, hosted a "Book-Nic" after school last month (October 18-19) in the courtyard. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who made the Book Fair a huge success.
Desert Mountain
Desert Mountain’s Unicycle Club will be participating in the Anthem Veteran’s Day Parade on Saturday, November 6.
P.E. teacher Heather Henry is holding sports skill sessions each week after school to prepare 7th and 8th graders for after school sports. The participants have been learning skills for basketball, baseball, and softball.
Mrs. Holder’s 8th grade science classes created and launched bottle rockets while studying velocity, speed, and momentum. They followed the scientific method and compared their hypotheses to the actual results.
PTO’s Pirate Boo-ty Bash was held on Friday, October 22. There were two haunted houses, a pumpkin carving contest, chili cook-off, and games and activities. There was even a flash mob dance which included many students and staff members.
Students in kindergarten through third grade paraded through the campus dressed as storybook characters on Thursday, October 28.
Esperanza 6th grade students attended Exchange City and learned about the real world economy.
The Esperanza Community Builders Club helped organize Red Ribbon Week by handing out red ribbons and pencils to classes in order to be ready for the week’s events which included:
Choir Performances Include:
All of Esperanza’s students received a visit channel 10 News “Whirly Bird”. The students met the helicopter out on the playground on Wednesday November 3 and the Esperanza Chorus performed for this special event.
The Esperanza PTSA is sponsoring the Annual Fall Festival to be held on Friday November, 5. There will be food, games, bounce houses, giant slide, velcro wall and raffles.
Gavilan Peak
Gavilan Peak’s 2010-2011 School Officers are: President, Taylor Howe; Vice President, Olivia Helle; Secretary, Morgan Rogers; Treasurer, Emily Bozarth; Lieutenant of Community Service, Cassie Traux. Last year, the school raised $800 with their fund raisers and was donated to “The Make a Wish Foundation.”
The National Junior Honor Society sponsored food drive collected 1,393 food items for local food banks. Kindergarten through 2nd grade won the competition with nearly 500 food items followed closely by 3rd – 4th grade. The winners were awarded Otter Pops and a tug-of-way activity.
Mandarin Happenings: Gavilan Peak, along with Diamond Canyon and Boulder Creek HS, has received an elite award from the Asia Society. These three schools will join a network of 60 schools in the country dedicated to Mandarin language instruction. Fifty-four 1st graders from Mrs. Holly’s and Ms. Just’s class have just completed their first quarter of math and science completely in Mandarin. Please visit the Mandarin Project website, to confirm the specific dates assigned for Parent Tours. You must have an appointment to attend a tour.
Hillcrest Middle
Congratulations to the 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys for their volleyball championship wins in last month’s tournament. The 8th grade girl’s volleyball team earned the runner up status. Victory with Honor was practiced by all athletes and adults in attendance.
Hillcrest will be celebrating Parent Involvement Day on Thursday, November 18. Parents are invited to share a Thanksgiving Dinner in the cafeteria with their student. The cost is $2.50 and reservations must be made. Please come to the school front office. Tickets go on sale Thursday, November 4 - Tuesday, November 9. Parents can take this opportunity to visit with their child and enjoy a great meal.
Highland Lakes
Highland Lakes will host a special “Veteran’s Day” ceremony on Friday, November 19 at 11 a.m. to honor our U.S. service men and women. The ceremony will incorporate presentation of colors, student speech by the student council presidents, guest speaker Dr. Brad Butler who served in the U.S. Navy and much more.
Legend Springs
Legend Springs has earned the Excelling Label for the 6th year in a row. The school is celebrating with a special Flagpole Ceremony on Friday, November 5 at 9 a.m.
First grade will be taking a field trip to the Phoenix Theatre Cookie Company to see the play If You Give a Mouse a Cookie on Thursday, November 18.
Legend Springs held a Character Counts poster contest and the winners are:
K--Tatum Folkestad, David Lopez and Juliette Strublic1st grade--Sydnee Willis, 2nd--Odessa Treese, 3rd--Mckenzie Liu, 4th--Hannah Attasseril, 5th--Raven Hayakawa, and 6th--Sabina Sweet. The winning artwork will hang in the front office for all to enjoy.
Ms. White’s 5th and 6th grade music students are using an online computer program to help them understand rhythms.
Mrs. Luensman's 3rd graders recently completed a project based learning activity on turtles. Students researched facts, took notes, created a presentation piece such as a brochure, poster, 3-D model, or PowerPoint. They then presented to their classmates.
Mrs. Westcott's 3rd grade class created animal models madefrom clay, feathers, pipe cleaners, rice, beans, and socks. The models will be displayed next week in the media center.
The Parent Teacher Association hosted a school fundraiser at Macayo’s on Wednesday, November 3. All proceeds went to Legend Springs.
Legend Springs first grade students will enjoy a free environmental outreach program on Wednesday, November 10 about native Arizona fish. The program includes an on-site multi-media presentation. This will be a great introduction to fish as students prepare for their weekly Harcourt reading story Fun with Fish the following week.
New River
Responsibility is the Character Counts! Focus for November at New River Elementary School. The students will take part in activities to enhance their understanding of these ideas.
First Quarter classroom celebrations were held on Wednesday, October 27. Congratulations to all the students in grades 3-6 who were honored for Principal’s List and Honor Roll. The Principal’s List students, their teachers, and parents were invited to have pastries with principal, Tricia Graham. Both sets of students also received ice cream at lunch.
Students in grades k-2 received certificates for earning all E’s on their report cards.
Students in all grades were eligible for the special recognition of “On a Roll.” This was given to students nominated by homeroom teachers showing remarkable improvement and/or hard work in specific subjects, goals, and/or behavior.
Congratulations to all students and staff for their hard work and dedication.
Congratulations to fourth graders Sophie Baumgarten and Amanda Downen, who were selected by their teachers as TERRIFIC KIDS for the first quarter. Each child received a Savings Bond and certificate from the New River Kiwanis Club.
The New River PTSA would like to thank everyone for helping to make The Fall Round-up a huge success. Many people helped with all of the work that went into this fun filled evening. Thanks also to all who participated in all of the games, contests, raffles, and auctions.
Winners of the contests are:
Pumpkins Contest - Mae Sartin, Micah Rentz, Presley Curry, Matthew Warren and Katelyn Osuna
Cheese Puffs: was 469 Celeste Holder guessed amount Candy corn: was 875 Kayla Colussi guessed 876 Licorice was 130 Kayla Colussi guessed 129 Gummy wormswas 399 Closest guess was Hailey Myles with 427 Pumpkin was 21 pounds Hailey Myles and Joel guessed amount All of these winners can claim their prizes at the front office. Mrs. Brandell's class won the class candy competition. PTSA will be making arrangements to provide a class prize September's classroom competition for Box Tops/Campbells' Labels collection was Mrs. Hynes.
PTSA will be making arrangements soon for their class prize. Sierra Verde
Sierra Verde hosted its annual STEM Literacy Night on Thursday, October 28. Participants experienced hands on learning opportunities focused on STEM and literacy. Activities included learning about the physics of wind, parachute dropping, manipulating wind turbines, interacting with celestial body PowerPoint presentations, making gel, viewing the night sky through telescopes, and more.
Mrs. Jamie Showers led chorus members through a medley of songs as a musical backdrop to add to the night's electric atmosphere. The event was coordinated by Mrs. Anne Tiebreak, Reading Specialist.
Mr. Mark Johnson volunteered his time to give families an opportunity to view the REMAX hot air balloon right in the middle of the school's field during STEM Literacy Night. Mr. Johnson entertained all the families, answered everyone’s questions, and even gave Principal Cherryl Paul a mini ride.
Kindergarten students dressed up as their favorite story book characters on Friday, October 29. The youngest Vipers on campus entertained students, faculty and staff with a parade around the flag pole to get everyone in the fall spirit.
Stetson Hills
Stetson Hills will be collecting donations for the Paseo Hills School GIVING CLOSET. Please bring personal hygiene items such as liquid hand and body soap, dental floss, shampoo, lotion, deodorant, razors and shaving products to help those less fortunate. All students must be accompanied by an adult.
West Wing
West Wing is truly appreciative to the following community business partners for their contributions:
Two West Wing students placed 1st and 2nd in their grade categories in the City of Peoria’s “What the Constitution Means To Me" contest on Tuesday, October 19. Mayor Bob Barrett announced the winners at the City Council Meeting. Both students were awarded a certificate and gift card to Target. Both students had their pictures taken with Mayor Bob Barrett and Uncle Sam. Students are:
Mrs. Nebel's 1st Grade Class ~ Nathan Edlebeck won 1st Place
Mrs. Patti's 2nd Grade Class ~ Kawehi Chang won 2nd Place
Deer Valley High Schools
Barry Goldwater
The Barry Goldwater "Pride Regiment" received a rating of "Superior" on Saturday, October 23 at the "Music Along the Estrellas" Marching Invitational at Agua Fria High School. The Band also received caption awards for "Outstanding Music Performance," "Outstanding Visual Performance," "Outstanding General Effect," and "Outstanding Auxiliary Performance."
Region II chess news: Congratulations go to junior Joseph Cross for taking 1st place by being undefeated in the tournament. Ninety two players represented 15 schools. Other winners included:
Yaro Pilipenko placed 3rd.
Ethan Morgan placed 4th.
Other student ranking results:
16 Alex Fuentes
21Joel Southwick
22Anu Menon
23 Jason Franklin
30 Cameron Oman
56 Ian Hackett
84 Damien Charley
88 Keith Confer
90 Rafael Barraza
In the Alternate section Bailey Galacci placed 1st and was undefeated.
Former Barry Goldwater HS student Shruti Bala has been selected as one of the new ambassadors for University of Arizona. (see photo attached)
Boulder Creek
Superintendent Dr. McElyea presented Boulder Creek HS with an excelling label trophy at their homecoming assembly on Friday, October 22. It was a great way to celebrate academics with the entire student body.
Mountain Ridge
The MRHS yearbook staff led by teacher Adam Korman entered the Arizona Interscholastic Press Association Fall Yearbook Contest. The staff earned an excellent in three categories: theme development, single ad design and headline writing.
Mountain Ridge High School's Interact Club earned the “Best of the West” award sponsored by WESTMARC for Education K-12. Club president Soo-Young Park and teacher Chris O’Brien accepted the award.
Twenty-four students from the MRHS Interact Club, sponsored by teacher Chris O’Brien, participated in the annual valley-wide Rock & Roll Paint-a-thon on Saturday, October 23. The club painted the exterior of a house owned by an 84 year-old low income senior as part of the. Close to 140 houses were painted over the weekend in the Phoenix area. This house was the tenth that MRHS Interact has painted since the program began.
Sandra Day O’Connor
The Sandra Day O’Connor’s STUGO and Clubs have teamed up with Shred-it to help fight identity theft and raise funds for the Jack Dillard’s Soaring Eagles Scholarship. The school is hosting a “Shred-it Fundraiser” on Saturday, November 20 from 9 a.m. – noon in the school parking lot in front of the auditorium. Donations will be accepted or $10 for the first box (equal to a case of copy paper) and $5 for an additional box.
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