DVUSD News - Early Childhood Department Receives Visit from State Officials “Showcasing Quality Programs”

From: "DVUSD News" <no-reply@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - Early Childhood Department Receives Visit from State Officials “Showcasing Quality Programs”
Date: March 30th 2010

DVUSD Early Childhood Department Receives Visit from State Officials �Showcasing Quality Programs�

The Early Childhood/Head Start Department, in the Deer Valley Unified School District, will be receiving a visit on Wednesday, April 7 from �candidates� for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, House and Senate Education Committee members, and First Things First Governing Board members. The purpose of this visit is to showcase quality programs that utilize state and federal funds and to stress the importance of early childhood education.

The visit will take place on Wednesday, April 7 at 8:30 a.m. at Constitution Elementary located at 18440 N. 15th Ave., 85023.

The visiting group will observe the Head Start classrooms for approximately 45 minutes. Each visitor will receive an information packet featuring all district early childhood programs and a fact sheet. Eligibility for Head Start is determined by family income and/or special circumstances.

The Deer Valley Head Start Preschool program served 157 children and 149 families during the 2008-2009 school year. Children participated in a variety of educational activities that provided them opportunities to learn through play, exploration, problem-solving, and building relationships with their peers within a safe environment. Additionally, children received health and nutrition related services throughout the school year. The program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and classrooms are located at Constitution, Desert Winds, Esperanza, Sunrise, and Village Meadows Elementary schools in DVUSD.

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