
From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 5/17/23Announcements
Date: May 17th 2023

MOBILE BLOOD DRIVE:  Mountain Ridge is hosting a Mobile Blood Drive on June 1st, from 9 am - 1 pm which is open to the community. The Bloodmobile will be located in front of the gym. To sign up visit https://donors.vitalant.org/ use Blood Drive Code MtnRidgeHS

NO BACKPACKS TOMORROW OR FRIDAY:  This Wednesday, 5/17, will be the last day for students to bring backpacks, knapsacks, or large purses to school. If students come to school on Thursday or Friday with any of these things, they will need to be sent to the conduct office where the items will be collected and held until the end of the day.

FINAL GRADES: Final grades will not be reflected on your transcript until the middle of June. When submitting your Parchment Transcript requests, please select "Hold for Grades". This will prevent your transcript from being sent before the final grades have been updated. https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/4987/account

DVUSD Pathways OPEN Enrollment: April 3 - May 28, 2023 See counselor or visit www.dvusd.org/pathways

CAP & GOWN: Attention Seniors, if you did not pick up your Cap and Gown yet, it is important that you get them as soon as possible at the Bookstore either before or after school or during lunch.

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