2/21/23 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 2/21/23 Announcements
Date: February 21st 2023

SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY MEETING:  Spanish Honor Society will have their next meeting, Thursday Febuary 23rd before and after school in room C218. Check the remind for more information.

RITA'S ICE ON CAMPUS THURSDAY:  Rita's Ice will be on campus during lunch on Thurs., 2/23. They will be in front of the E building. Bring $3.50 cash or card to get your's! 

FEBRUARY IS CTE MONTH: During February Mountain Ridge HOSA is conducting an online fundraiser for Be The Match which benefits individuals with blood cancers.  HOSA is trying to raise $1000 and every dollar counts. Can you take a few moments and make a donation? It's quick and easy and all donations are tax-deductible. Learn more and donate at https://wesavelives.bethematch.org/team/6162 Please share with your friends and family as well.  We greatly appreciate any support that you can give for this worthy cause!

ATTENTION SENIORS: Any seniors graduating who did NOT attend the graduation meeting, we just held - Come and pick up information at the BOOKSTORE.

ATTENTION SENIORS:  Attention any seniors interested in auditioning for the Main Graduation Speech. Auditions will be held March 1st – Wednesday in the lecture hall after school. A sign up sheet is posted outside Room E218. You must sign up to audition.

SENIOR SCHOLORSHIPS:  please turn in any scholarships you have received to Ms. Dyal in the counseling office by either emailing the award letters to sarah.dyal@dvusd.org or by dropping them off in the counseling. We want to honor you at our Senior Awards Ceremony on April 26th. The deadline to turn in scholarships is Monday, March 20th. 

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