12/8/21 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 12/8/21 Announcements
Date: December 8th 2021

 RUBIK'S CUBE CLUB: The Rubik's cube club will meet in Room C204 on Monday, December 13th. Bring your rubik's cube to practice and problem-solve with club members. Sign up for our remind @mrhsrub - hope to see you there!

FCA MEETING:  The next FCA meeting will be this Thursday during ACA prep! Don't forget to invite a friend! See you there!

 CONGRATULATIONS SPEECH AND DEBATE: Conngratulations to Aadithya Agnihotri for making it to Big Question debate octofinals, Olivia Malone and Fallon Sullivan for making it to extemporaneous speaking semifinals, Fallon Sullivan for taking 4th place in Congress and Yameen Sekendari and Fallon Sullivan for taking 3rd place in Varsity Public Forum Debate. 

INTERNS--your evaluation is due and is a major grade, please get it uploaded ASAP. Grades post on the date of your scheduled final!!  

 MRHS BAND BREAKFAST: The Band's annual Santa breakfast is this Saturday from 8AM - Noon. There will be pancakes, pictures with Santa, performances by all of our ensembles, and a vendor fair, perfect for getting holiday shopping done!

SOCIETY OF FEMALE SCHOLARS - Our final Society of Female Scholars meeting of the semester will be Thursday, Dec 9 during AcaPrep. It was great to see everyone together for our Yearbook photo! Please sign up in FlexTime Manager to save your spot. Special thanks to all those who stayed after school last week to make holiday cards for foster children at DCS. Also, we have a few openings for our volunteer event at Billy's Place on Thursday, Dec 9 from 4:30-8:30pm. Please see Ms. Larios or Ms. Ryan if you'd still like to attend.

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