"Mountain Ridge Marquee" <>
11/4/21 Announcements
November 4th 2021
KETTLECORN FOR SALE: Kettlecorn is a delicious snack to have for family gatherings and holidays. Order some from any Educators Rising member or off of the MRHS Website. Order ships directly to you. Order before time runs out!
RUBIK'S CUBE CLUB: The Rubik's cube club will have their second meeting in Room C204 on Monday, November 8th. Bring your rubik's cube to practice and problem-solve with club members. Sign up for our remind @mrhsrub - hope to see you there!
WINTER YARD SIGNS: Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your Winter sports/activities yard sign for you student. Sign are $25. Available Soccer, Wrestling and Basketball. Contact for an order form. Order is due November 15, 2021
SOCIETY OF FEMALE SCHOLARS: Due to the school's schedule, the next Society of Female Scholars meeting will be Thursday, Nov 4 during AcaPrep. We are in the Media Center and will be discussing t-shirt orders and choosing our holiday service project. Sign up in the Flextime Manager to secure your spot. If you can't make it during AcaPrep, you can attend our make-up meeting Friday morning Nov 5th at 7:00AM in Ms. Larios' room C107. Hope to see you there!
HOBY YOUTH LEADERSHIP SEMINAR: We are looking for a sophomore to represent Mountain Ridge at the HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar this summer. Students who would like to apply may email Ms. Dyal at to receive the instructions for the short essay. The deadline to apply is November 5th.
ATTENTION SENIORS: Order your cap and gown for graduation here. The Deadline is approaching fast!
TICKETS for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door. To purchase your tickets go to and click on the ticket link:
ATTENTION AP STUDENTS: Registration for AP exams is open in Total Registration. Any registrations after November 8th will incur a $5 late fee per exam. Any registrations after November 15th will incur a $40 late fee per exam. If you need help signing up in Total Registration please speak with your AP teacher. If you have further questions please contact Ms. Matthews or Ms. Belnap in the counseling office.
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