9/17/21 Announcements

From: "Mountain Ridge Marquee" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: 9/17/21 Announcements
Date: September 17th 2021

FCA MEETING: The first FCA meeting will be held in the small gym this Thursday during ACA prep! We are super excited to get started and hope to see you there. See Mrs. Olson for more information!!!

 BEST BUDDIES: Best Buddies will have their first club meeting during acaprep on Thursday 9/16. If you are interested in being a part of Best Buddies, please sign up for the club meeting using Flex Time Manager. If you have questions about the club you can contact Ms. Grimm

SOCIETY FOR FEMALE SCHOLORS: Society of Female Scholars has their first meeting this week! Sign up on the FlexTime Manager for this Thursday's Sept 16th AcaPrep. We are meeting in the Media Center. If you can't attend, we are doing a make-up meeting before school Friday the 17th at 7:00 AM in Ms. Larios' Room C107. Please attend one of the meetings to get some important information about elections, future plans, and Homecoming! Be sure to join the Remind and follow our Instagram page for updates!

TICKETS for home athletic events can only be purchased online, tickets will not be sold at the door. To purchase your tickets go to www.mrhsathletics.com and click on the ticket link.  
STUDENT ATHLETIC PASSES: Students you can avoid the online ticket fees and purchase your Student Athletic pass from the bookstore. This pass costs $30.00 and will get you into all regular season HOME games. Your student pass will be put on your Student ID card and you must show the ID card at the event.
U of  A REP ON CAMPUS:  representative from the University of Arizona will be giving a virtual presentation during AcaPrep on Tuesday, Sept 21st. Sign up in Flex Time Manager to attend.  
FAMILY ATHLETIC PASSES: Parents and families can purchase a punch card to get into games 20 punches for $65.00. The family punch card can be purchase at the bookstore and is for parents and family members only and can not be used by Ridge students to get into games.

ENGINEERING CLUB: Will be meeting this week  9/16 at the regular time 2:20 after school.  Please check your remind app for club updates. 

JOIN DECA:  The DECA membership drive is underway until October. *Come join us as a National DECA member for only $20. *See Ms Debbie Moore or Mr Jeffrey Samaniego to start your journey with Ridge DECA.The link is in the DECA Canvas course. You will be eligible for the over $200.000 in DECA scholarships, competitions and special events. www.deca.org/high-school-programs/scholarships/

SPIRIT & SENIOR SHIRTS: Make sure you get your Spirit Shirts and Senior shirts in the bookstore to show your school spirit on Fridays. Shirts are $20 and can be bought in the bookstore, before school, at lunch or after school. 

ATHLETIC YARD SIGNS:   Show your MRHS Spirit by getting your Winter sports/activities yard sign for you student.  Sign are $25.  Available for Band, Football, Pom, Cheer, Color Guard, Dive, Swimming, Cross Country, Golf, Volleyball and Badminton.  Contact mrhspom@gmail.com for an order form.  

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