DVUSD News - Alternative Public Day School

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - Alternative Public Day School
Date: April 10th 2013

DVUSD News - Alternative Public Day School

Alternative Public Day School Input Committee Narrows Site Options

New River, Desert Sage and Mirage Schools Removed from List

The Alternative Public Day School Input Committee held its second meeting April 8, 2013. The committee, facilitated by former Governing Board member Rob Edmund, is charged with reviewing the utilization of DVUSD facilities and making a recommendation during a May Governing Board meeting to repurpose one elementary school into an Alternative Public Day School beginning in the 2014-15 school year.

The information requested from administration during the committee’s first meeting was reviewed; as well as private placement services and rates, and campus layout and physical location.

The committee narrowed down the original 10 factors to 6 factors, assigned weight to each factor, and attached data/measurement requirements for most of the factors.  The 6 factors and current measurements being tracked are:

·         Campus Layout & Ability to Meet Future Students’ Needs – Weighted 25%

o   Number of floors (*Single story is more desirable per American’s with Disabilities Act accommodations)

o   Fencing/Segmenting Campus to accommodate Primary and Secondary segregation  (Rated 1-3)


·         Convenience / Fiscal Impact of Location Choice – Weighted 20%

o   Home School of those students currently attending Private Day Programs

o   Estimate to Remodel – once the list is narrowed to 3 or 4 campuses


·         Current Academic Excellence for Impacted Schools – Weighted 15%

o   2 year State Ratings

o   Composite scores for each school (last two years)

o   Line Graph of Enrollment of each campus by year (2008 – 2012)

o   Ten most important academic awards and recognitions from each school

o   Five most important programs that distinguish each school


·         Academic Excellence of Campuses to Serve Displaced Students – Weighted 15%

Identify campus location where displaced student would be transferred and collect the following data for those campuses:

o   2 year State Rating

o   Composite scores for each location where displaced students will be transferred (last two years) 


·         Sustainability of Serving Displaced Students – Weighted 15%

o   Identify Feeder Schools that may be affected/impacted by region

o   Percentage of available school capacity after transition


·         Safety – Weighted 10%

o   Interior/exterior restrooms (Y/N)

o   Interior/exterior classroom doors (Y/N)

o   Factors to safety hazards – “Nooks and Crannies”(Rated 1-3)

Members narrowed down the school matrix of options for repurposing by removing New River, Desert Sage and Mirage from the list.


Campuses remaining on the matrix:

Desert Winds



Mountain Shadows



Next Steps

The next three meetings will be held to further narrow down school options, review provided information/data, and discuss committee thoughts and feedback.  Tours of the remaining Deer Valley schools on the option list and two Private Day Schools will be scheduled for committee members to participate in.

Upcoming meetings held from 6-8 p.m. at the District Office:

·         April 17

·         April 25

·         May 7





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