DVUSD News - AdvancED Recommendation

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - AdvancED Recommendation
Date: March 21st 2013

DVUSD News - AdvancED Recommendation

DVUSD Receives Recommendation for Districtwide AdvanceED Accreditation

An AdvancED (formerly North Central Association) external review team announced their recommendation that Deer Valley Unified School District receive districtwide accreditation through AdvancED.

Deer Valley began the process of a rigorous internal examination of the entire system- each school, program, department and overall cultural context- to determine how well the parts work together to meet student needs. The AdvanceED team then reviewed, validated, and evaluated the evidence Deer Valley Unified School District provided.

The team compared Deer Valley’s self-assessment against a set of research-based quality standards and provided recommendations for improvement. This feedback is invaluable for the district to ensure resources are aligned with areas of need and Deer Valley is moving in the right direction for student success.

Within the next 30 business days, the external AdvancED team will provide DVUSD with a completed and approved External Review report, and work can begin on identified opportunities for improvement. The final report will be shared with the AdvancED Accreditation Division’s national office and official approval will be announced in June.

Find updates about AdvancED on our website.

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