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DVUSD News - Mission and Vision Statement Survey
December 11th 2012
Deer Valley is asking students, parents, staff, and community members to participate in a short survey to select the vision statement that best represents DVUSD and provide feedback on the drafted mission statement by clicking on the following link,
Your input is important before final adjustments are made and presented to the Governing Board in January.
The district knows that the clearer it is about its mission and vision, the more successful it can be. These statements can serve as a centerpiece for faculty, staff, and students. Both will serve as a framework for making decisions and for building relationships. Powerful mission and vision give people a sense of purpose and passion.
In November, Deer Valley hosted input sessions to gather input for its new mission, vision and core values. In December and January "Loop Out" meeting sessions will be held with various groups to introduce the new mission, vision and core values and gather additional feedback and involvement before the final adjustments are made and presented to the Governing Board in January.
An effective vision statement is certainly one that has meaning to the whole school community. Please take a few minutes to participate in this process. We want our mission and vision to inspire and clearly communicate what has heart and meaning within the schools and district.
Watch the video of students, staff, parents and community members participating in the input sessions to gather ideas and suggestions for the new mission, vision and core values. View the video at
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