Hillcrest Teacher Surprised with $1,000 Award and School Supplies by Office Max

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: Hillcrest Teacher Surprised with $1,000 Award and School Supplies by Office Max
Date: October 4th 2011

Hillcrest Teacher Surprised with $1,000 Award and School Supplies by Office Max

Part of “A Day Made Better” National School Advocacy Program



PHOENIX, Ariz. – October 4, 2011 -  Hillcrest Middle School teacher Charlene Tomlinson in the Deer Valley Unified School District received a surprise visit from OfficeMax and school staff as she was honored and recognized with an award and $1,000 worth of much-needed classroom supplies as part of the retailer’s A Day Made Better national cause event Tuesday, October 4.



Tomlinson was nominated for the award by school administration. School principal Estela Hazelton, assistant principal Melissa Childs and the entire guidance counselor team celebrated with her as she opened her Office Max box with classroom supplies such as a printer, digital camera, and more in front of her entire classroom.  


 On October 4, 1000 teachers across the nation including Tomlinson received surprise deliveries of school supplies from OfficeMax worth a total of $1 million dollars. Winning teachers were nominated for this award by their principals for demonstrating passion, dedication and innovation in the classroom.




See a video of the surprise visit on Facebook.com/dvusd


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