DVUSD offers music day camps

From: "DVUSD News" <webmaster@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD offers music day camps
Date: April 5th 2011


The Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) Community Education Department will be offering Music Rocks! Summer Day Camps from June 6-17, 8 -11 a.m. The fee is $200 per child and runs for two consecutive weeks at Sandra Day O’Connor High School located at 25250 N. 35th Ave. in Phoenix.

Join other students in grades 4-9 from the community on this musical adventure. This camp offers two different opportunities to expand students’ instrument or choral skills, both leading up to a summer evening concert performance for family and friends.


Students interested in the Music Rocks! Instrumental program must have at least one year of instruction and experience using their chosen instrument. Instruments will not be provided.

Just Starting?
The camp will feature a unique beginning band experience with students receiving the chance to learn about all instruments before making an instrumental choice during camp (rental fees may apply).

To watch a video of Music Rocks! or for more information visit www.dvusd.org/communityed or contact Community Education at 623-445-5019.

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