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DVUSD - Around Our Schools - December 13-17, 2010
December 17th 2010
Around Our Schools - December 13-17, 2010
Deer Valley Elementary Schools
Anthem seventh and eighth grade students from Anthem School participated in the Honeywell/Fiesta Bowl Aerospace Challenge. This event was the culmination of an eight week STEM project, where each group of students created a scale model of a lunar base that could hold up to 50 people for 2 years. In addition to the scale models, students also had to create a written report and a display board.
There were approximately 280 schools competing over two days for a chance to go to Houston to experience a behind the scenes tour of the NASA facilities, as well as an appearance at the Fiesta Bowl. While Anthem’s groups were not finalists, Anthem did earn three out of the eight awards presented. Winners were: 8th grade: "Luna 128" – Kid’s Choice for Coolest Lunar Base Model; "Eisenhower Space Center" – for Judge’s Choice Honorable Mention "Lunar Base I Would Most Like to Live On"; and 7th grade team "Aliens " – for judge’s Choice Honorable Mention – “Best Sports Facility.”
Arrowhead teacher Ms. Flynn's first grade raised $1,500 to purchase three pregnant cows from Heifer International, which we asked to be sent to orphanages in Africa. Arrowhead also had the generous help from CU West represented by Janet Humpfrey, Arrowhead's Student Council, Mrs. Shea, a former Arrowhead teacher and Mrs. Mueldener, a current staff member along with the student body's support. This brings the seven year total to $12,500 and 23 pregnant cows, along with their offspring.
Donations will be accepted until January 14. For more information contact Mary Flynn at 623-376-4139 or
Canyon Springs
Second grade students at Canyon Springs School enjoyed learning about early Americans as they worked through a variety of activities related to the Pilgrims coming to America and the Native Americans already here at the time. Some activities included reading stories, discussions, making masks and viewing Native American pictographs. The second graders worked through a rotation of classes where they did crafts including weaving a mat, making a dream catcher, making some three dimensional projects related to Native Americans and Thanksgiving.
Second grade teacher Naomi Patton was awarded a literacy grant in the amount of $300 from the Phoenix West Reading Council. She will use the money to purchase a second grade leveled book set and word/sentence building tiles from Scholastic.
Kindergarten teacher Peggy Ellis was awarded a $300 grant from Phoenix West. She is going to purchase leveled readers for kindergarten.
Ten students from Canyon Springs were awarded most Creative Artist for the first quarter by grade. These students consistently created art that is of high quality, very creative and completed on time. The following students won a sketch book and a certificate and were recognized at the awards ceremony: Dani Labella, Madison Prado, Kitssya Parra Cruz, Vincent Capasso III,James Fields, Connor Lawrence, Zariah Reynolds, Mikaela Kennedy, Adam Hall, Shelby Ziga (Shelby also received an Honorable Mention for her piece in the Daisy Mountain Art Competition)
Canyon Springs hosted the Scholastic Book Fair in the media center from December 6-10. Students went with their classes during the week to view the books and then again to purchase books. Some of the activities during the week included “Breakfast With Books” where students accompanied by parents could come to the book fair before school and enjoy a doughnut while browsing the selection of books. Grandparents were also invited to have lunch with their grandchildren and then spend time at the book fair during the students’ recess. Library clerk Gina Chiappetta coordinated the book fair and all of the activities. The money Canyon Springs earned from sales will be used to purchase new books for the library.
Canyon Springs’ spelling bee was held on December 3 with students in grades 4-8. The winners were first place Allen Clarke, 7th grade in Ms Raab’s home room class and runner up is Cara Chiappetta, 6th grade from Mrs. Hauk’s home room class. Both students will compete in next month’s district spelling bee. Third grade teacher JoLinda Hardy coordinated the event this year.
Each month two students from each class showing good character are nominated for a “Character Counts” award. Congratulations to the following students who received the award for September –
Kindergarten: Malena Martinez; Blake Maddox; Amanda Benn; Damiana Reeder; Callie Jones; Christopher Helfer; Mackenzie Lee; and Andrew Martinez.
First Grade: Kerstin Buckland; Taylan Kelly; Gianna Santiago; Torin Armstrong; Dani LaBella; Christian Sanchez; Hannah Lennon; and Baylor Anderson.
2nd Grade: Olivia Boyer; Morgan Wilson; Karli Francis; Owen Navarro; Gabriela Chiappetta; Shane Jacobs; Yasaswi Gogineni; and Samara Van Dijk.
3rd Grade: Ethan Tran; Valerie Van Dijk; Brandy McBride; Michael Cosiano; Mary Cosby; Nolan Mori; Nia Petrov; Arjan Lako; Trinity Health; and Nemias Garcia.
4th Grade: Gracie Estabrooks; Gabriel Gallo; Scotland Elder; Jacob Guerrero; Madelyn Soto; John Malamas; Nicolas Adelman; and Lindsey Hoover.
5th Grade: Katelyn Murray; Alex Lopez; Joshua Autry; Haley Bowshier; Sarah Van Dijk; Tristan Santiago; Anna Zaczeniuk; and Daniel Abrego. 6th Grade: Ashley Moore; Luis Helfer; Sydney Garretson; Jacob Fields; Kaitlyn Charnell; Jazmine Kaur; Savanna Blas; and Kyle Lawrence.
7th Grade: Victoria Akcelic; Jordan Feyen; Allen Clarke; Tessa Garibay; Alexa Russell; Fabian Alvarez; Morgan Nolette; and Jarred Chapman.
8th Grade: Saric Barcello; Taylor Beck; Conner Brandon; Cecilia Losinger; Taylar Kelly; Cole Jones; Monique Phan; and Jeffrey Hicks.
The DV Crossroads students and staff were involved in the JDRF Fundraiser throughout the month of November for Diabetes awareness month and raised $180.
The students participated in the "Cans for Cash" and two collection jars on the campus. Donations were also brought in by students, teachers, staff and parents. For each donation a donor received a “Diabetes Walk Shoe”. They wrote their name on the shoes along with the amount they donated to this great cause and we held a drawing for the two top donating students and the two top donating adults.
Desert Winds
Desert Wind’s second graders are continuing S.T.E.M. this year (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathmatics). At Desert Winds, the students are fortunate to have technology literally at their fingertips. Every student has the opportunity to use computers and Smart boards daily as well as many hands-on activities to enrich their learning experience in the areas of science, mathematics and technology.
The staff and students of Desert Winds Elementary raised $1,237 for JDRF which was twice as the amount raised last year.
Diamond Canyon
Diamond Canyon principal Dr. Mark Oesterle and teacher Mrs. Yonan were awarded Principal of the Year and Teacher of the Year by the Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona Association. Both were nominated by parent Lisa Bricker.
Diamond Canyon Cheer placed 1st in the Fiesta Bowl Competition on December 11. With this first place victory comes the honor of marching in the Fiesta Bowl Parade on December 31 - 11 a.m., a nationally televised parade. View the parade live in the Phoenix area on ABC15 or watch the live webcast at
Gavilan Peak
Gavilan Peak celebrated Multi-cultural awareness week to help support their sister school in Uganda and India by participating in “Quarters for Caring,” students created different stands and games specializing on specific countries and younger students could pay a quarter to play the games.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi and Pam Esquerra shared a presentation on American Indians in Arizona with Greenbrier 1st graders. The presentation complimented and enhanced the study of the American Indians.
Highland Lakes
The Peer Mediators at Highland Lakes help students solve their conflicts in a safe, confidential environment. The mediators are trained 7th and 8th graders who want to help other students solve problems. Peer Mediators organized "Mix It Up" day for the middle school students at Highland Lakes during their lunch time. Tables were color coded with balloons and students were given slips of colored paper as they entered the cafeteria. Students were asked to sit at the table with the balloon that matched their slip of paper. They sat with students they did not know, met new friends and improved their social skills at the same time.
Last month, the social studies department held a very special ceremony to honor our US service men and women. The boy scouts presented the colors and our honored guests and students said the pledge of allegiance and sang the National Anthem. The guests were introduced by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and the United States Coast Guard and National Guard. The guest speaker was Dr. Brad Butler of the US Navy. (see attached photo)
Mrs. Tracy Brown's kindergartners had fun exploring worms. Students learned the difference between earth worms and red worms and had fun examining their own slimly friend up close. (see attached photo)
Mrs. Brown's kindergarten students had a very special treat AND met a new member of their classroom. Principal Mark Anderson and Assistant Principal Mary Ellington came into their classroom and read the enchanting story "Elf on a Shelf."
November is Juvenile Diabetes Month and NJHS decided to do a fundraiser for this good cause. Hillcrest National Junior Honor Society members volunteered to have their teachers throw whipped-cream pies in their faces for a small donation.
Hillcrest students are successful in many ways. First quarter results were:
Honor Roll - 401 students
Principal's List - 217 students
Perfect Attendance - 301 students
Las Brisas
The month of November is Juvenile Diabetes Awareness Month. Las Brisas participated by selling “sneakers” for $1 each to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Staff and students alike purchased a total of 1,823 “sneakers”. The top selling classes were Mrs. Shelton, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Myers, and Ms. Banfield. Two special area winners were Mrs. Hanen and Coach K. The winning classrooms get a party and money to purchase supplies for their classrooms. The grants for the parties and supplies are done through Discover Card. A full 100% of the money raised, $1,823.00, through “sneaker” sales goes to JDRF.
Legend Springs
Congratulations to Ms. White’s 6th grade chorus students who auditioned and were nominated and accepted to the 2010-11 AMEA All-State Choir: Kayla Smith-Soprano, Cameron Burnett-Alto, Jordan Grantham-Soprano, Nikolas Librizzi-Alto, Sarah McMahon-Soprano, Elyse Pelton-Alto, Maya Perez-Soprano, Kaiti Zendejas-Alto.
Legend Springs 4th grader Kenslee Jory wrote a story about LS husband and wife crossing guards and submitted it to CBS "Pay It Forward" program. Earlier this month a reporter and cameraman filmed them on crossing duty and Kenslee presented them with $500 (from CBS).
Mrs. Sanda Campbell, has been selected as one of the Arizona Cardinal's "Heroes in the Classroom." Mrs. Campbell is a special education teacher at Mirage Elementary School. She was nominated by one of her student's parent. Mrs. Campbell will be able to attend, along with three guests, the Arizona Cardinals vs. the Dallas Cowboys game on Christmas Day and she will be given a jersey.
Students at Mirage are involved in many great after school programs. Girls on the Go, Science Club, Drama Club, Boys Running Club, Robotics Club, Math and Reading Enrichment, are just some of the ways students are growing and learning even after their academic day has ended. Teachers have planned and organized opportunities for these enriching activities, giving students options for their after school free time. Look for great news from each of these groups as the year progresses.
Spelling Bee:
The 1st Place winner of the 2010-11 Spelling Bee: Paul Hamlett (6th gr. -Eagleton)
The 2nd Place winner of the 2010-11 Spelling Bee: Elijah Marshall (5th gr. -McFadden)
Paul Hamlett now goes to the District- wide Spelling Bee on January 18, 2011. The winner from that bee will represent the district at the Regional Spelling Bee on February 17, 2011.
Mountain Shadows
Mountain Shadows awarded a Community Service Grant from DVEF and Discover Financial Services for the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation. Last month, the school held a Kids Walk for the Cure on our field and all month long we sold sneakers for $1 each and held a competition between the different grade levels. The school collected $1,630.70. The highest seller was a 1st grader in Mrs. Valerie Kloft's class, Katelyn Femino. Katelyn sold $250 in sneakers. The grade level sneakers sale results are as follows:
1st - 432 WINNER
2nd - 103
3rd - 272
4th - 180
5th - 154
6th - 388 RUNNER UP
The winning grade level will be treated to the "Popcorn Party with the Principal" the runner up grade level will be treated to a popcorn party with a visit from the principal.
New River
The kindergarten students entertained family and friends with their annual Holiday Program. Everyone enjoyed the kindergarteners sharing their talent and enthusiasm.
K-kids will be collecting the pink lids from yogurt containers to help fight cancer. The lids will be donated to Susan G. Komen Foundation.
The New River choir was invited to perform Norterra Shops along with several other Deer Valley schools. The children did an amazing job entertaining the shoppers.
The Character Trait for December is Fairness. Students and staff will read books with fairness as a theme and discuss fairness during the month.
New River is honored to have some great students accepted into All-State Choir and All-State Band this year:
All-State Choir
Alyssa Brown
John Gunsalus
Brooke Robinson
All-State Band
Seth Nelson
Stan Bunce (alternate)
All-State Choir is Saturday, March 12, and All-State Band is the following Saturday, March 19. Both events will be at Higley High School, in Gilbert AZ. The ensembles are composed of the top sixth-grade music students in Arizona, so it is quite an honor.
Norterra Canyon
Norterra Canyon 4th grade teacher, Susan Cary was awarded the Target Field Trip Grant in the amount of $ 700. (see attached photo)
Park Meadows
Congratulations to fifth-grade student Nhu Dang who was one of 12 state finalists for her entry in the Shannon’s Law poster contest. Nhu received a $50 gift card to Best Buy and a certificate from the Police academy.
Paseo Hills
Paseo Hills families received 5000+ non-perishable items donated by Norterra Canyon and their National Junior Honor Society.
Sierra Verde
Sierra Verde would like to congratulate this year's spelling bee winners: seventh/eighth grade winner Devin Holmgren and runner-up Matthew Potts and fourth through sixth grade winner Arun Yadav and runner-up Matthew Nathan. (see attached photo)
Deer Valley High Schools
Boulder Creek
Bolder Creek HS Chinese Teacher Carol Bi has been awarded with an ASU Confucius Institute Teacher Scholarship for K-16 Teachers of Chinese to attend the NCOLCTL online Teaching Course.
The Boulder Creek High School Academic Decathlon Team took first place at the DV Invitational in November.
The team also took top individual medals:
Brendon McNicholas won Gold in Economics, Art, Music, Social Science, and was the highest scoring student at the competition. He won Silver in Language and Literature, Speech, on the SuperQuiz, and in the Essay categories. Rick Kearney won Gold in Language and Literature and Bronze in Economics and art.
Other medal winners included:
Ashley Hough (Bronze in Music), Cameron Howard (Silver in Art and Economics), Jessica Schildt (Gold in Essay), Conrad Smith (Bronze in Interview), and Kathleen Carroll (Gold in Interview and Bronze in Essay).
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