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DVUSD News Around Our Schools - November 15-19, 2010
November 19th 2010
November 15-19, 2010 | ||
Bellair This month the Bellair Student Council is sponsoring a “Canned Food Drive” from November 8-19. They are accepting donations of any non-perishable food items. All of the food collected will be donated to the Westside Food Bank. The class that donates the most food items in the primary grades (PK-3) and the intermediate grades (4-6) will win a pizza party.
Students in grades 2-6 participated in a Math Bee on Thursday, November 18 and Friday, November 19. This contest focused on math fluency as students develop speed in memorizing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. Parents were invited to attend the Math Bee.
In honor of veterans and active duty servicemen, Mike Thomas brought an Iwo Jima parade float that he created in honor of his father who served in World War II to the Constitution campus on November 9 for students to see. Mr. Thomas and other servicemen also shared historical information about Iwo Jima and Veteran's Day.
Greenbrier Student Council is sponsoring a canned food drive through December 10. All donations will benefit Westside Food Bank. The goal is at least one canned or boxed food item from every student. Greenbrier will also host its annual Turkey Trot on November 24. Frozen turkeys can be donated on the mornings of November 22 – 24.
The Greenbrier Media Center has been invaded by insects. Second grade students made models of insects which will be on display in the library throughout November. The models are made of almost anything from home and vary from praying mantises to lady bugs, butterflies, wasps and bees. The insects were required to be the correct colors found in nature as well as have all of the main body parts. Legend Springs
First grade students attended the play “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” on November 18 at the Phoenix Theatre Cookie Company.
The P.E. Department will host its 11th Annual Turkey Trot and Toy Drive on November 20 at 9 a.m. Proceeds will benefit the Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
Ms. White and 16 of her 5th and 6th grade general music students will perform for the Governing Board on November 23. Students auditioned to be included in the performing group.
Fireman Matt from the Glendale Fire Department will visit every classroom K-3. He is Legend Springs’ fireman for the year and visits once a month. Last month he taught the students about smoke alarms, seatbelts and how to cross the street safely.
Kindergarten will meet with their 4th and 5th grade buddy classes next week to learn a Pilgrim Stick Game that was played many years ago. They will also be reading some books together all about Thanksgiving and why we celebrate this holiday each November.
In Kindergarten Enrichment the children learned about pumpkins as they sprouted pumpkin seeds and also learned about corn and how to change kernels into popcorn.
Kindergarten learned about predicting by doing prediction experiments. Each child filled out two charts and did ten experiments revolving around prediction. They even wrote in their journals and shared their entries via the smart board about what predicting means to them.
Fourth graders wrapped up their study on orangutans by celebrating National Orangutan Day on November 10. Students wore orange and donated $1 to help adopt an orphaned orangutan. Third grade is working on multiplication facts with the goal of earning an ice cream treat. As the students pass each fact, they earn another piece of an "ice cream sundae."
Mountain Shadows
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Mountain Shadows is participating in Diabetes Awareness Month to help raise awareness in our students and their families in the community in which we live. Mountain Shadows applied for and received a Community Service Grant from Deer Valley Education Foundation and Discover Financial Services.
Students will be participating in “Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes”during their lunch recess on November 19. Students donated a dollar to participate. The grade level that raises the most money from the walk will be treated to “Popcorn with the Principal” and a video in the cafeteria.
Mountain Shadows staff participated in “Jeans and Sneakers Day” earlier this week by paying $1 to wear their favorite jeans and an additional $1 to wear their sneakers during the school day.
A large container was placed in the front office for spare change and the school is selling JDRF sneakers for the entire month of November. The sneakers will be displayed in the lobby of the office building.
Grant Money will be used to purchase new headphones for our Student Computer Lab.
Park Meadows
Shelby Gibson and Cheryl Roger’s kindergarten students performed a play called, “Hooray for Thanksgiving” on November 18 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose building. Students have practiced daily and are looking forward to performing for families and staff. Each student made their own costume as well.
Sunset Ridge
Sunset Ridge had over 33 NJHS students "Trick-or-Treating" for food donations for Saint Mary's Food Bank. Students overflowed a pick-up truck with all the food they collected. They had fun going in costume door-to-door collecting food and advertising a community sale to benefit one of our own students battling cancer.
The Sunset Ridge NJHS students hosted a "Tramonto Community Sale" to benefit Jenna Bentz, a Sunset Ridge first grader who is battling cancer. It was truly a group effort and was made possible by the donations of many. Many items were donated to sell and numerous "vendors" reserved spots to sell their items. The outpouring of support and donations from the community was an inspiration to all who participated.
The entire Terramar student body and staff participated in a ceremony to honor veterans and current military service men and women earlier this month. The campus flew a U.S. flag that was once flown on a base in Afghanistan. The local Girl Scout troop presented the colors and Terramar's advanced choir sung the Star-Spangled Banner. An inspirational speech was made by current serviceman and parent, Mr. Arjanapang. The advanced and beginning choirs performed "We Will Not Forget" followed by seventh graders Makayla Ramirez and Anna Wilcox reading their poem "Thank You." The ceremony ended with Terramar's second graders singing "It's a Grand Old Flag." Terramar sponsored a breakfast for students and their veteran/military relatives after the ceremony.
Terramar's NJHS is sponsoring a donation drive for veterans and the school's PTSA is sponsoring a candy drive for soldiers currently serving in the military.
Barry Goldwater
Students in Miss Szczepaniak's classes wrote thank you letters to veterans and soldiers. The letters were delivered to veterans currently "serving" the students at Barry Goldwater High School (teachers, faculty and substitute teachers), to BGHS Alumni currently serving in the military, and to the Arizona Veteran's Hospital in Phoenix. In addition to the letters, students also created over 1,000 patriotic ribbons to pass out at the Phoenix Veteran's Day Parade and 200 "Warm Fuzzies" to pass out to the veteran spectators of the parade.
The Barry Goldwater Interact Club students participated in the annual Rock N Roll Paint-A-thon and impacted a community member’s life by painting their home. Over 40 Barry Goldwater Interact Club students participated in the 18th annual “Halloween Canned Food Drive” and collected nearly 700 pounds in three hours. The canned goods were donated to the "House of Refuge," a men’s shelter that provides transitional housing and supportive services for persons coming out of homelessness in order to empower their residents to become self-sufficient. Each year, the food has been donated to the "House of Refuge” or to St. Mary's Food Bank. For the last ten years the Interact Club has collected an average 500 pounds of canned food. Deer Valley
Members of Deer Valley High School's DECA attended the Ultimate Power Trip in Washington D.C. Brittany Lucero and Cameron Kaiser won first place medals in the Competitive Events and Makayla Moosman represented the State of Arizona on the winning team for the Epic Start-up Experience.
Deer Valley High School's AFJROTC had their first drill competition on November 13 and brought home the following trophies: 1st place Armed Exhibition, 1st place Armed Regulation, 1st place Unarmed Inspection, 2nd place Individual Unarmed Drill winner Nicole Berg, 3rd place Armed Inspection, 3rd place Unarmed Regulation and 1st place in Sweepstakes. Congratulations to all cadets.
Members of Deer Valley High School's Student Government participated in the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk” at the Tempe Beach Park on November 6. On behalf of Deer Valley High School, a donation of $1,979.71 was presented. This donation came from pink DV Supports t-shirt sales, milk jug donations and the Pink Out penny dance.
Canyon Springs
Canyon Springs had a great weekend drumming up school spirit, and supporting local veterans at the Anthem Veteran's Day Parade. Participants included Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Phoenix Sun's gorilla, camels, miniature horses, and the fabulous Canyon Spring's chorus, spirit line, NJHS, and various other dedicated students.
The Canyon Springs students, parents, and staff rode on a float adorned in patriot flair which was created and decorated by the National Junior Honor Society, spirit line, Mrs. Dueling and Mrs. Cerro. The float showed off the kindergarten, first and second grade students' colored flags, and paw prints which helped to represent even the smallest community members that were unable to attend.
Desert Winds
Desert Winds’ first grade teachers Kristi Cooper and Linda Slavick received a $2,000 Social Studies Grant from SRP. The first grade students are taking a journey of a lifetime, as they deepen their understanding of the United States by linking important people with places, holidays, and symbols that are significant to our nation. The children began their travels with Columbus in 1492. The students created paper mache globes in order to illustrate the route Columbus took across the Atlantic to the New World.
Congratulations to the first grade Academic Achievers at Desert Winds who made the 1st Quarter Principal List: Anthony Adams, Marisol Araiza, Heather Assi, Alexander Camblin, Andan Camblin, Jim Crispin-Licerio, Joel Crispin-Licerio, Joshua Denning, Dylan Erb, Kevin Garcia, Jayde Littlejohn, Emily Lopez, Samantha Maher, Alexander Niederhaus, Lynzie Oquist, Chandler Pearson, Olivia Reyes, Tatiana Rosado, America Ruiz, Lauren Slavick, Alyssa South, Courtney Sourp, Thomas Spencer, Rogelio Tarin, and Shaina Zweiger and 1st Quarter Honor Roll includes: Sheridan Abaya, Emanuel Apetroaei, Arlyne Arambula, Zion Arnn, Alex Aronoff, Nicoleta Apetroaei, Antone Baca, Chantal Barrios, Carina Bellomo, Trevor Benjamin, Geri Blair Jr, Kaylend Borbolla Reyes, Matthew Buan, Skylar Burkhalter, Antonio Carrillo, Ezequiel Chavez, Jennifer Colin, Tory Conley, Natalie Craine, Sierra Crosby, Manuel Cruz, Gloria Eberle, Kenia Estrada, Gabriella Fabela, Elizabeth Gunn-Young, Mia Fermanian Rodriguez, Katelynn Figueroa, Michael Flynn, Allison Fluckey, Jasmin Garcia, Hernando Gutierrez Alvarez, Jennyfer Hernandez, Maria Holguin, Sierra Holly, Cody Lane, Isaac Lara, Diana Lopez, Dustin Martin, Bryson McKeehan, Markie McMasters, Lillian Melendez, Rudy Mendez Cardona, Bryanna Metcalf, Byron Metcalf, Alexis Mills, Hunter Mitchell, Kyle Mitchell, Darce Munoz, Caitlyn Murphy, America Navarro-Pachuca, Alexa Nunez, Madison Nichols, Janeth Orozco, Aria Ortiz, Zoia Ortiz, Chase Osborne, Yvette Outhenthapannha, Sariah Pologa, Jonas Raines, Giovanny Rodriguez, Haley Rodriguez, Natalie Rodriguez, Sarah Rodriguez, Justin Schmell, Patrick Sellner, Allyson Simpson, Michael Smith, Zachary Startzel, Joseph Velovich, Dominick Vest, Lacey Weinzierl, Sage White, and Lindsey Young.
Highland Lakes
Mrs. Peggie Looper's 7th and 8th grade public speaking classes are working on voice expression by practicing character voices. Earlier this month, the students visited Mrs. Jill Nielsen and Mrs. Kimberly Howey's 1st grade classes, and Mrs. Janelle Clark and Mr. Tim Johnson's 3rd grade classes to read children's stories to them. The younger students were memorized and enthralled by the stories and really enjoyed the character play by Mrs. Looper's class. Mrs. Brown's kindergarten class will treat parents and friends to a very special performance on November 19 from 11:00 - 11:15 a.m. The young children will perform "Hungry for Thanksgiving" by Mary P. Churchill. The story of the first thanksgiving will be told
Mrs. Gail Graham's and Mrs. Peggie Looper's art and art club students worked very hard on a very creative and worthwhile project. The students constructed a GIANT United States Flag for the GIANT Veteran's Day Celebration to be held at Highland Lakes School on November 19 at 11:00 a.m. Mrs. Debbie Plogman's class had fun making apple butter in preparation for the fall festivities of Thanksgiving. The students measured apples, spices, and sugar in their math class to produce a delicious treat. The students' final product was a decorated jar of apple butter for their family to enjoy. New River
Earlier this month, the New River Elementary choir performed at the Mountain Ridge High School Choir Festival and received “excellent comments” on their performance. The students had the chance to see the Mountain Ridge High School choir and two other elementary/middle school choirs perform. New River's choir has worked very hard to become a group that achieves great things.
Sixth graders continued their Astronomy endeavors by visiting the Challenger Space Museum to complete “Spaced Out Challenge” of the Apollo mission. It was a great interactive field trip and full of simulations.
New River honored all veterans with a Flag Ceremony. The entire school met in the Fire Lane and joined to say the Pledge of Allegiance and a brief discussion of what it means to be a veteran. The choir also shared one of their songs.
Sierra Verde
Sierra Verde won the AZFamily Channel 3 Weather Bug Contest for the month of October. AZFamily will be installing a Weather station and camera, providing lifetime curriculum from Weather Bug, classroom assistance from Arizona Science Center and a live weather appearance on 3TV. The live weather appearance date and details will be determined by the 3TV News Director. Students will deliver live weather reports on the daily announcements.
Sierra Verde hosted its second quarter Sardella's Pizza Night on November 17. Sardella's will be donating 15% of all orders back to Sierra Verde. The homeroom with the greatest participation will earn a free pizza party. Please come out to help support our school. We hope to see you there. Sardella's is located at 83rd and Lake Pleasant Parkway.
Sierra Verde honored Veteran's Day with a school wide assembly on November 12. Students entered the assembly carrying United States of America flags donated by the PTSO. The entire campus showed their support of our Veteran's by wearing Red, White and Blue. Students had the opportunity to honor the many Veteran's who attended the with handmade thank you cards. Music, videos, a slide show and speeches made the event truly magical.
Fifth grade students attended a field experience to the Challenger Space Center to Rendezvous with a Comet. To prepare for the field experience, students focused their attention on the fifth grade science standards, created mission patches, practiced collaboration skills, learned about comets, and so much more. Students applied for job positions by filling out job applications and where assigned positions that were best suited for their personalities and skills. Communication officers, life support, data officers, a medical team and navigation officers all worked together for a successful mission.
The kindergarten students at Sierra Verde went on a field trip to Tolmachoff Farm in Glendale on November 9. The students attended a classroom in the corn maze where they learned about corn, how to pick cucumbers and interacted and fed the farm animals Village Meadows
Valley author, C.A. Goody visited Village Meadows to discuss how exciting it is to be an author. She encouraged the students to write using their imagination, adding details, seeing through the eyes of the characters, and discussed the importance of doing well on the AIMS writing test. After the visit students were able to purchase autographed “Adventures of Charlie the Cat” books written by Ms. Goody. In honor of Veterans’ Day, the Village Meadows’ Student Council tied yellow ribbons to the trees on campus to remind students and staff about the sacrifices made by veterans. The school also took part in writing letters to veterans thanking them for their service and duty to the country.
Boulder Creek
Twelve students are working on their independent senior thesis projects to receive the Boulder Creek High School Certificate of Academic Distinction. CAD projects include rocket propulsion, stem cell research, genetic engineering, acid rain implications, mathematical applications, foreign language development, and the Arts. These multi-disciplinary projects will be on public display in April at the North Valley Regional Library. Students are: Taylor Reigel, Erin Torchia, Jennifer Gray, Katherine Montgomery, Brendon McNicholas, Pascual Santiago, Justin Cabrera, Derrick Kearney, Brian Singer, Vaibhav Menon, Mitchell Keener, and Lacie Parker.
The Boulder Creek Jaguar Pride band received an “Excellent” rating at the 2010 State Marching Festival. As an additional achievement they placed in the top ten bands, qualifying to participate in the State Championships on November 13 at Phoenix College. This is the first time the Pride has qualified to compete in state.
Junior Chase Karvanek received the gold medal at the 8th Annual Clay Olympics on October 30 for extrusion sculpting at the Arizona School of Fired Arts. His hand-build, which was a haunted house scene, took only four hours to create, a mastery pace. Chase’s ceramics teacher Jessica Kruse was his partner in this build. Boulder Creek High School’s Key Club is teaming up with Anthem Young Professionals Kiwanis to host a free health clinic for children in the BC Region. This event, on November 20, 2010 begins at 8 a.m. at Gavilan Peak School. For additional information, ask your child’s school nurse for the flyer. This health clinic is the first of its kind for the Anthem community.
The BCHS National Honor Society teamed up with United Blood Services to host the semi-annual BCHS Blood Drive on October 7. Over 187 staff, students, and community members donated blood, saving up to 560 lives. They will host another blood drive in March.
Junior Dan Pitts placed 8th at the State competition for Dive on November 6 and is in consideration for the honor of being named an All-American diver (only given to the top 100 divers in the nation). Junior Tyler Gable also placed in the top ten at the state dive meet.
The Boys and Girls Cross Country teams placed in the top 15 in the State Tournament for Division One, and six athletes will go on to compete in the Nike Southwest Championships in November.
The BCHS Varsity Girls Volleyball team placed 3rd in the region and made it to the second round of the Division 5A State Tournament. Seniors Kelsey Holland and Haley Owen were both named to First Team All Region. Additionally, Felicia Zerwas, junior, was named to Second Team All Region and was also the recipient of the scholar athlete award. Gina Teodoro, a senior outside hitter, was named to All Region Honorable Mention.
The BCHS Boys Golf Team placed 11th in the State 5A Division with sophomore Brendon Bone placing individually in the top ten.
The BHCS Spirit line qualified for Nationals for both the All-Girl Stunt and Show Cheer divisions. They will compete in the AIA state qualifier competition at Chaparral High School on November 20.
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