DVUSD News - Around Our Schools October 11-15, 2010

From: "DVUSD News" <no-reply@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - Around Our Schools October 11-15, 2010
Date: October 15th 2010

Around Our Schools - October 11-15, 2010
Deer Valley Elementary Schools
Arrowhead third grader Jace Ruiz in Mrs. Curtis’ class was featured in an Albertsons ad featured at the grocery store.
Ms. Nancy's developmental preschoolers studied families and how to be helpful around the house. Students learned how to wash, dry, and put away dishes and fold laundry. This week they are studying jungle animals and for snacks they have eaten live worms (sliced hot dogs), beetle wings (potato chips), snake eggs (grapes), and crocodile teeth (sliced apples).
BOO BASH will be held Saturday, October 30, 3 -7 p.m. Look for walk/ride your bike incentives! PTSA has a lot of events planned with fun and excitement for all ages. Please make plans to attend. Fliers with more information will be posted around the school closer to the event. Volunteers are needed, if your interested in helping please call 623-376-4146.
During the week of October 18-22, Flynn’s first graders will be collecting new and gently used books to donate to the children at the Crisis Nursery, a shelter for abused children. Ask your friends, neighbors and extended families to donate their books too. In the past 14 years Arrowhead students have donated over 50,000 books. Please drop off your books in the baskets outside your child’s classroom during conference week.
Sixth grader Jessica Chisholm in Mrs. Stewart’s class performed as part of the Valley Youth Theatre with the Phoenix Symphony and Donna Summer in a concert last Wednesday, October 13. They performed the Glee Version of “Don’t Stop Believing.”
Desert Winds
Desert Wind’s PTSA and staff served dinner to students and parents at McDonald’s on Wednesday, October 13.   
Friday, October 22 is INTERNATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL DAY. Desert Winds student, parents, and staff will be walking together that morning safely to school. Students will be bringing home information soon.
Mrs. Giurgiu's second grade class has been learning about maps. As a culminating project her students made salt dough and used it to make landform maps of the United States. The second graders applied learned skills such as: map keys, mountains, valleys, hills, and bodies of water including lakes and oceans to complete their maps.
Diamond Canyon
Students at Diamond Canyon are participating in a contest to donate money to the “One for Books Program” for the Annual Scholastic Book Fair being held the week of October 21. For each $1 received, Scholastic will donate a book to charity and Diamond Canyon will receive an equal amount in Scholastic product. The donation will also count towards the school’s Book Fair sales. The class that collects the most money will win a Jedi Ball Ice Cream Party with principal Dr. Oesterle.

The Diamond Canyon School PTSA is sponsoring a math enrichment program designed to enhance a student’s journey through mathematics. The voluntary program, which begins this week, is open to all students in grades K- 5 and is completely voluntary. This program offers students the opportunity to challenge themselves in all types of math concepts by providing additional learning activities beyond their current mathematics curriculum.
Worksheets are distributed at the beginning of each week and are collected at the end of the week. Students who complete the total requirements for their grade level are then rewarded with an “End of the Year Celebration.”
Two-hundred and six Greenbrier students participated in the Jumpstart’s Read for the Record on Thursday, October 7. Classes that were scheduled to come to the library were read “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats. The number of students was submitted to the Jumpstart website to be counted toward the world record. 
The Phoenix Coyote’s kicked off their home season with an assembly at Greenbrier on Friday, Oct 15. All students and staff attended to help celebrate the beginning of the hockey season.
Highland Lakes
Mrs. Peggie Looper’s Art Club at Highland Lakes is providing a community service, offering their talents by designing posters to promote the upcoming Book Fair to be held at Highland Lakes Oct 18 – 22 in the media center. 
Legend Springs
Legend Springs’ teachers teamed up with McDonald’s at 67th Ave. and Beardsley to serve up one of the “happiest meals” ever to students and parent last Wednesday, October 6. A portion of the sales were donated to Legend Springs.
Ms. White’s 5th and 6th Grade music classes danced to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” on Wednesday, Oct. 13. The students worked hard all quarter to learn the choreography and were excited to show what they learned.
Legend Springs’ PTA hosted an “Ice Cream Social and Basket Raffle” on Friday, October 15. There was music, ice cream sundaes and chances to win gift baskets. 
Legends Springs will begin a canned food and dog food drive beginning Monday, October 18. 
The Legend Springs Library jumped onboard and pledged to read to the entire school for the nation wide “Read for the Record Program.” Millions of school age kids throughout the nation listened to the story “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats on October 7. The purpose of this program was to raise awareness of the literacy crisis.
“Team Mirage” made up of Jen Cruz, Principal, Sanda Campbell, special education teacher, and Alisha Church, Audiologist competed in the Glendale Community College Mini Triathalon last month. Their combined efforts in running, bicycling, and swimming, respectively, earned them first place. Congratulations Team Mirage! We look forward to seeing more success from this trio of athletes!
Mrs. Heavin’s fifth graders learned about the human body. Students worked in cooperative learning groups, chose a body system, and placed information and graphics in presentation form using an online format, Prezi.  One group is going to be presenting their Prezi to the teachers at a staff meeting.
Kindergartners spent the month of September studying apples. Students learned the names for all the parts of an apple and made a brace map, made a graph of their favorite tasting apple-green, red or yellow, and ended their month of apple fun making individual apple pies. Special thanks to Mrs. Holmes (PTSA Treasurer), Chef Lori Fausett (PTSA Secretary), Mrs. Behrens, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Marano, Mrs. Gonzalez, and all the parents who donated items for our pies.  
Mirage students, family members and staff joined local leaders to walk to school on Wednesday, October 16. This event is in partnership with Walkable America, a public/private alliance of organizations, agencies, businesses and individuals who have come together to promote the benefits of walking and the changes needed to make America safer for walking.
New River
Students in several classes at New River took part in Read for the Record. Jumpstart’s Read for the Record is a national campaign designed to encourage hundreds of thousands of children and adults from across the country to read the same book on the same day. This year the classes read “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats. All participants were excited about helping to set the record and are looking forward to next year’s challenge.
Norterra Canyon
Norterra Canyon will be hosting “Graybeard’s Garage Sale” onSaturday, November 13 from 7 a.m. – noon in the front parking lot. If you would like to purchase a spot please contact the school office no later than Friday, October 29. The price to buy a parking lot spot is $20. Sellers are responsible to set up and price their own items. All the money made from sales goes directly to the seller.  
Norterra is having a Veteran’s Day Assembly on Wednesday, November 10. The school is asking students to bring in photos of veteran family members. Families interested in having their photos represented in the school slide show can e-mail their photos to Ms. Stephenson at danell.stephenson@dvusd.org by November 3. Please include your name, grade level and information about your special family member. If you have questions please see Ms. Stephenson in room 704. Your family member must be in one of the military branches in order to be represented.
Park Meadows
Park Meadow students was visited by Phoenix Fire Station 50 located at 20225 N.35th Avenue during Fire Prevention Week. Firefighters instructed students in fire safety and demonstrated how to use the equipment on a fire engine. 
First grade students in Ms. Sherri Odom’s class studied the Life Cycle of the seed. Students planted corn seeds, then observed and logged the progress of growth each day. Students also read the story “All about Corn,” tasted different kinds of corn, and were presented with fresh popped corn to culminate the unit by the PTA.
The Library Media Center is hosting a series of Traveling Panel Exhibits from the Heard Museum. These three-panel, freestanding exhibits - each with a hands-on materials display stand - are designed for use in libraries or schools and are free. The first exhibition now on display, Following the Sun and Moon provides exceptional insight into the traditions of the Hopi people and Katsina Dolls. Traditionally, Katsina dolls are used as teaching tools. They are the carved representations of the Katsinam, the spirit messengers of the universe.
First grade Busy Bee's and third grade Brody's Bunch join forces in reading and writing skills this year and celebrated their first Olympic Games. The games began with a paper torch being passed around to all the students in both classes which encompassed the entire field in a relay type event. Each day, students participated in a game that required cooperation and team work. Together, the students explored writing, reading, and friendships that will help them learn. Closing ceremonies ended with a popcorn party that Mrs. Cross was kind enough to include Brody's Bunch with the First Grade Busy Bees five senses popcorn finale.
Sierra Verde
The results are in: Sierra Verde's Sardella's Pizza Night held on Tuesday, September 22 was a huge success with total pizza sales of $1,717.07. Sardella's made a 15% donation to Sierra Verde for a total of $258. Congratulations to Mrs. Hamblen's class who had the highest percentage participation.  Sierra Verde thanks the community members, teachers, and students for supporting this great night and to Hilary Blanchard for organizing this event.
Sierra Verde will hold a Volleyball/Cross Country assembly to celebrate both the volleyball and cross country seasons on Wednesday, October 20 from 2:30-3:30pm.  Student athletes will be recognized with an honor. The highlight of the assembly will be when and all the athletes from the two teams play a volleyball match against the Sierra Verde staff.  This must see event is always a fan favorite for both staff and students.
Sierra Verde will be hosting its Second Annual Bike Rodeo on Saturday, October 23 from 9 a.m.-noon in the Sierra Verde school parking lot. The event is organized by the City of Glendale and the Glendale Police department. The focus of the event is bike safety.
Sierra Verde fifth and sixth grade students worked together to create a ninety second weather video showing why Sierra Verde would be a perfect candidate to receive a weather station and a camera valued at $13,000. To watch the video go to the school website, https://sierraverde.dvusd.org. If the school’s video entry is voted as the winner, students will have an opportunity to be on 3TV delivering a weather report with one of the 3TV Forecasters.
Sierra Verde teachers Mr. Yorke and Mrs. Hoppe guided nine hard working students after school for one week from 3:30‐4:30 p.m. to create the video. Students brainstormed ideas, wrote a script, recorded video segments, and ultimately produced a weather report. A requirement for the video entry was to receive an endorsement from principal Cherryl Paul. The endorsement was recorded with the entire student body, the Viper mascot, and Glendale City Official Manny Martinez by her side. The school entry was submitted on Monday, October 11.
Stetson Hills
Stetson Hills has bee selected as a Go Active! Academic Award Winner by McDonald’s Owner/Operators of Arizona and the Arizona Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The school was presented with a $1,000 check for its physical education program.
Village Meadows
Village Meadows collected over 2500 cans of food for St. Mary’s Food Bank. Students collected the cans over a one week period and celebrated at a “Dance of the Future” event where each family member brought a can of food for an entrance fee. This donation comes at a critical time with approaching holidays and recent storm damage to local food banks. 
Deer Valley High Schools
Barry Goldwater HS
Barry Goldwater High School received a donation of clothes and personal hygiene donations for their “student closet” which provides students in needs with basic essentials that many go without. The donation was made by David Sardella, his wife, Gail, and their Christ Church of the Valley group.
Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems employees are holding a clothing drive for the Barry Goldwater “student closet” and have already collected 20 bags for students. This business partner also donated backpacks to Goldwater in August.




Language arts teacher Leigh Bondrole at Barry Goldwater was generous to donate a stationary bike to a special needs student at Diamond Canyon. 

Boulder Creek HS
The National Dance Education Organization is celebrating the talent of Boulder Creek dancers CJ Carvelli, Jessica Currey, Katie Olsen, Haley Owen, Gina Teodoro, and Mariah Thomason.  These dancers choreographed a dance piece expressing the change they hope to see in the 21st century, which a panel of professional adjudicators selected to be performed at the National Dance Education Organization Conference in October. They have the honor of performing with a few other select Arizona schools for dance teachers from across the country.  

The BCHS Politico Club is hosting the Arizona Legislative District 6 Political Panel at 6:30 pm in the auditorium on Monday, October 25. The legislative candidates for the State House and Senate's District 6 seats will participate in a moderated panel discussion and take questions from those in attendance on issues relating to the 2010 elections. The Politico Club is a bi-partisan collaboration between Teenage Republicans, Young Democrats, and Young Independents who seek to increase voter participation in voter awareness. This event will be free and open to the public.
Deer Valley HS
Congratulations to Jisu Kang and Jake Suss for being named a Commended Student in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program.
Deer Valley High School student Tyler Ivey completed his Eagle Board of Review and has been awarded the honor of Eagle Scout.
The Skyhawk Flight student newspaper brought home some awards from the Arizona Interscholastic Press Association (AIPA) Fall convention at ASU, Wednesday, Sept. 29.
The following students were recognized for their journalistic work:
Rianna Silverstein, junior, Honorable Mention Feature Writing
Joseph Sepulveda, 2010 grad, Excellent in Feature Spread Design
Whitney Gillespie, 2010 grad, Honorable Mention in Feature Writing
Sandra Day O’Connor
Congratulations to Brandan Jeter for being named a Commended Student in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program.

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