DVUSD News - DVUSD Offers Parents Full-Day Kindergarten Option

From: "DVUSD News" <no-reply@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - DVUSD Offers Parents Full-Day Kindergarten Option
Date: April 22nd 2010

DVUSD Offers Parents Full-Day Kindergarten Option

The Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) has been notified that due to the Arizona budget crisis, the state will only fund half-day kindergarten next year. The district has developed a plan to provide full-day kindergarten for the 2010-11 school year. The plan will allow DVUSD to continue full-day curriculum taught by certified teachers. The monthly tuition will be $235 which equates to $13.05 per day. After school care is also available.

At the April 13 Governing Board meeting Superintendent Dr. Virginia McElyea said, �Since the funding for full-day kindergarten was specifically cut from state funding, the district is creating an alternative plan that best meets our community�s needs and expectations.� After cutting $17 million from the Maintenance & Operations budgets the last two years, Deer Valley will be facing up to $26 million in reductions for next year pending the statewide $.01 sales tax vote on May 18.

DVUSD welcomes the class of 2023. Parents can register at their local school office. A $40 registration fee will be required for full-day kindergarten. To find out which school your child will attend, refer to the boundary map section on the district website, https://www.dvusd.org/pages_our_schools/attendance_maps.htm. Students need to be five years old by August 31. Early registration is important as schools plan staffing needs for next school year.

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