DVUSD News - DVUSD Schools Earn the ENERGY STAR for Superior Energy Efficiency

From: "DVUSD News" <no-reply@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVUSD News - DVUSD Schools Earn the ENERGY STAR for Superior Energy Efficiency
Date: November 6th 2009

DVUSD Schools Earn the ENERGY STAR for Superior Energy Efficiency

Village Meadows Elementary and Deer Valley and Sandra Day O�Connor High Schools, in the Deer Valley Unified School District, (DVUSD) have earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency�s (EPA�s) prestigious ENERGY STAR, the national symbol for superior energy efficiency and environmental protection.

This award signifies that each school�s energy performance ranks in the top 25% of facilities nationwide. DVUSD is the first school district in Arizona to receive the award since 2004. There are only 2,000 schools nationwide that have ever been bestowed this honor since its inception in 2003.

Commercial buildings and schools that earn the ENERGY STAR use an average of 40% less energy and 35% less carbon dioxide than typical buildings. The district and each school site improved its energy performance by managing energy strategically across the entire organization and by making cost-effective improvements to its buildings. Energy use for Village Meadows was reduced by (130,345 kWh of electricity equivalent to 10,625 gallons of gasoline used; Deer Valley HS (492,210 kWh of electricity equivalent to 40,123 gallons of gasoline used); and Sandra Day O�Connor HS (1,097,606 kWh of electricity equivalent to 55,732 gallons of gasoline used).

All three schools will be presented with the awards at the next Governing Board Meeting held on Tuesday, November 10th, 7 p.m. in the District Office Governing Board Room located at 20402 N. 15th Avenue. These awards were earned together with Valley Schools, School Service Group as part of DVUSD�s overall Utility Management Program.

More information is available by contacting: Jim Migliorino, DVUSD Fiscal Services Executive Director, 623-445-4958 Joe Holcombe, Valley Schools Management Group, 623-594-4370.

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