DVFRC August Newsletter!

From: "DV Family Resource Center" <noreply@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVFRC August Newsletter!
Date: August 9th 2017

Hello, DVFRC Families and Community Partners!

Thank you for your continued support of our classes and programs at the Deer Valley Family Resource Center.

To view our webpage go to http://dvusd.org/dvfrc .

To register for classes:

Eleyo Registration System

  1. Go to deervalley.ce.eleyo.com
  2. In the right hand corner, you will see an orange box that says “Sign Up”. This is where you will set up your profile (parent).
  3. Once you have confirmation that you are registered in the system, you will go back in to “Add Family Member”.  This is where you will add each individual child.
  4. You may search for our classes by typing in the name or by clicking on “Explore All Programs”. You will click on the Resource Center from the drop down.
  5. When registering for classes, you will have to specify each child that is attending.
  6. Once you have registered for a class, you will receive a confirmation email.  You will also receive an email a few days prior to the date of the class as a reminder.
  7. You may not cancel a class online with this new system.  Cancellations will have to be done by phone or email.

If you are on the Waiting List, you will receive an email from a staff member that we have received a cancellation

Please find attached, our Newsletter!

Thank you!

Courtney, Debbie, Carey

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