DVFRC "First News First"

From: "DV Family Resource Center" <noreply@dvusd.org>
Subject: DVFRC "First News First"
Date: August 16th 2016

Hello DVFRC Families and Community Partners!

Thank you for your continued support of our classes and programs here at the Deer Valley Family Resource Center. We look forward to even more great experiences in our upcoming classes and programs. To view our webpage go to http://dvusd.org/dvfrc . To register for classes, click on the calendar, and you will see a description of the class and an option for online registration.  These early childhood education classes are FREE and provide a wonderful opportunity for your child to develop their social/emotional and language skills.

Please find attached, our Fall Newsletter!

Please call for more information , 623-445-4726 office 623-256-2561 mobile

Thank you!

Courtney, Debbie, Carey


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