"Bulldog Bark" <>
Bulldog Bark
March 9th 2020
Barry Goldwater High School
A+ School of Excellence 2011, 2015
Home of the Bulldogs
Two Colors, One Voice!
Please be sure to check our website at
By May of 2020 we will decrease the total percentage of D/F’s in literacy and math school wide by 25% (from May of 2019 percentages) as evidenced by a score of four or better on the end of course level of achievement marks.
Learner Profile Trait for March
Barry Goldwater is an International Baccalaureate (IB) school. As such we aspire to fulfill the traits embodied in the Learner Profile. Each month we will highlight and celebrate one of these traits.
The Learner Profile trait that we will focus on for the month of March is Communicator. We express ourselves confi¬dently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
The Learner Profile Quote of the Day is: To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others. ~ Tony Robbins
See Something, Say Something
The Safe School Hotline number is 623-376-3262
DVUSD has an anonymous Safe Schools Hotline for students, parents, educators, and community members to report threats, rumors, or information of criminal activity on campuses or against Deer Valley students. This hotline is available 24 hours each day. Messages are investigated, and when appropriate, information from the Safe Schools Hotline is shared with local law enforcement.
ACT and Late Start Day:
All juniors will be taking the ACT exam on March 24th beginning at 7:35 am. There is not a make up day and tardy students will not be able test. This is a late start day for all other students. Junior students who ride both regular and special service buses will be picked up at the regular time.
Attention Seniors!
Are you making progress with your AzCIS ECAP? Need some help?? A counselor will be available in the library during both lunches the week of March 23rd - 27th. Stop in to get help!
Graduation Speech:
Seniors who want to audition for the Graduation Speech, please sign up in FRONT office. Auditions will be held on Thursday, March 12th - in the Lecture Hall starting at 2:30 p.m. YOU MUST sign up to audition.
National Anthem / Graduation Song:
Graduating students who want to audition for the National Anthem or the Graduation Song, please sign up in FRONT office. Auditions will be held in the Choir Room on Tuesday, March 24th starting at 2:30 p.m. YOU MUST sign up in order to audition.
Panoramic Photo:
Seniors, the Panoramic Photo is in! Please stop by the PRIDE Office to pick up your pre-ordered copy! Make sure you have your school ID with you!
Cafeteria Debt:
Seniors, please remember, your cafeteria debt must be paid prior to picking up your cap and gown for graduation. See any cashier. Refunds on accounts must be requested prior to senior check out.
Scholarships: Are you looking for some amazing scholarship opportunities? Remember to check in the Counseling Office to see what is available!
FREE EVENTS for Juniors and Seniors!!
Prom is right around the corner. Which means it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to wear. The night is yours, so this year, ditch the expectations and move to the beat in your own style. And, whatever your look, Men’s Wearhouse has you covered. Choose from an endless selection of colors, patterns, fits, and style to fit your own personal taste. Pick from a variety of stylish rental options including a $99.99 rental package. Visit your nearest Men’s Wearhouse location to check out the wide assortment of options or visit online for more information on how you can Prom for 2020.
Need some volunteer hours?
Be a tutor for any subject in the library after school Monday-Thursday from 2:30-3:30. If you are interested, please see Mrs Hurlburt in room 310.
Media Center:
Did you know that library is open Monday-Thursday from 2:30-3:30. This is a great place to meet up with friends, get your homework done, and use the computers. And there are peer and adult tutors there to help you if you get stuck while completing your work
After School Meals:
If you are staying after school for anything including sports practice, club meetings, tutoring, taking a test with a teacher, etc, you can stop by the cafeteria between 2:17-2:30 for free food. The daily menu is posted in the south east corner of the cafeteria. An example of a meal is: bagel with cream cheese, string cheese, sunflower seeds, vegetable cup, yogurt, grapes, and milk. This is totally FREE!
Are you looking for some amazing scholarship opportunities? Remember to check in the Counseling Office to see what is available!
National Honor Society:
Sophomores and Juniors with a weighted 3.8 GPA are invited to submit an application to join National Honor Society for the 2020-2021 school year. Application information can be found in 108 or 113 and are due by March 13th at 2:30 for those interested.
Don’t forget to follow the BGHS Student Government on Twitter and Instagram @BGHSSTUGO for all the latest school news and events!
Students, if you do not have your Student ID Card, please visit the Bookstore before or after school or during lunch to get an ID card printed! You are required to have your ID card with you at all times and present it when requested.
BGHS students will receive Loss of Credit when 12 absences of any type are recorded in a classroom.
Please see any cashier to check if you have cafeteria debt.
Seniors, your cafeteria debt must be paid by Senior Checkout.
Free and Reduced Meal Program:
Families and students can apply for the Free and Reduced Meal Program at any time during the school year. Applications are available in the Counseling Office and on our website. Turn in your application as soon as possible and allow ten days for processing. Please contact the Cafeteria Manager with any questions.
Our Bookstore is open from 7 am – 3 pm. The Bookstore will close at 12:30 on Wednesdays for accounting purposes and will be closed each day from 12:30 – 1:15 for lunch.
Dress Code
Any attire that detracts from the learning environment is not acceptable. Shirts and tops may not expose bare midriffs, bare shoulders, nor be deeply cut in the front, back or under the arms. Undergarments should not be exposed. Clothing must cover the entire buttocks. Clothing may not include defamatory writing obscene language or include symbols of drugs, sex, or alcohol. You can see the complete dress code policy in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook on our website. Please dress for success while at school!
Parking Permits
The cost for student parking is $100. Students who wish to park on campus may purchase a parking permit in the Bookstore during lunch or before or after school. You will need to present your driver’s license, current registration and proof of insurance. Students who have not purchased a parking decal are not allowed to park their vehicle on the BGHS campus. Security will be monitoring both parking lots to ensure you have your parking pass.
DELIVERIES: The front desk will not accept personal items such as IPads, cell phones, money or lunches. There are also no deliveries allowed for students such as balloons, flowers, food or gifts of any kind.
Students, please be a good neighbor and do not park in the Medical Plaza or neighboring business parking lots. Your car will be towed! You can purchase a pass for the student parking lot in the Bookstore.
Have a great day Bulldogs!
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