Bulldog Bark

From: "Bulldog Bark" <no-reply@dvusd.org>
Subject: Bulldog Bark
Date: October 23rd 2019

Barry Goldwater High School
A+ School of Excellence 2011, 2015
Home of the Bulldogs

Two Colors, One Voice!


Please be sure to check our website at bghs.dvusd.org



By May of 2020 we will decrease the total percentage of D/F’s in literacy and math school wide by 25% (from May of 2018 percentages) as evidenced by a score of four or better on the end of course level of achievement marks.


Learner Profile Trait for October

Barry Goldwater is an International Baccalaureate (IB) school.  As such we aspire to fulfill the traits embodied in the Learner Profile. Each month we will highlight and celebrate one of these traits.


The Learner Profile trait that we will focus on for the month of October is Inquirer.  We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.  

The Learner Profile Quote of the Day is:  “A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he or she gets to know something.” -- Wilson Mizner

See Something, Say Something

The Safe School Hotline number is 623-376-3262


DVUSD has an anonymous Safe Schools Hotline for students, parents, educators, and community members to report threats, rumors, or information of criminal activity on campuses or against Deer Valley students.  This hotline is available 24 hours each day.  Messages are investigated, and when appropriate, information from the Safe Schools Hotline is shared with local law enforcement.



Attention Juniors and Seniors who took the ASVAB in September! Results are in! Stop by the Library on Thursday, October 24th during both lunches to get your results.


Consolidated Electrical Distributors is announcing a PAID High School Internship for our Seniors.  CED North is looking for hardworking dependable individuals that are eager to learn warehouse or office staff positions. There is no experience required and they offer on the job training with flexible part-time opportunities (no weekends or Holidays required). Please visit the Counseling office for more information.


Bulldog Buddies, a club on campus promoting the inclusion of our peers with special needs, will be hosting their first Lunch Buddies event on Friday, October 25th. We will be having lunch and enjoying conversation with our peers who have special needs. All are welcome to join. There will be tables set up in between the 500 and 100 halls during the combined lunch. Stop by, enjoy your lunch, and make some new friends!  


Attention all Girls Soccer players. There will be an informational meeting about the upcoming season and a chance to meet your new coach TODAY at 2:30 in the lecture hall. See you then.

Boys Soccer, please attend a meeting in Coach Scaps room number 538 after school on Thursday, October 24th to receive information about the upcoming season.



Senior Yearbook Portrait:  Remember to contact Grads Photography to have your FREE portrait taken for the yearbook.  The portrait deadline is November 10th and must be done at Grads in order to be in the yearbook.                                              

Please go to the link on our website to schedule your appointment!



Monday  - Thursday in the Media Center from 2:30 – 3:30.  Adult and peer tutors will be available for students who would like extra help.  But also, it is a really great place to go after school to study and get homework done.  Students can visit the Cafeteria from 2:17 – 2:30 for a FREE meal before heading to tutoring in the Library.



Attention Juniors and Seniors who took the ASVAB in September! Results are in! Stop by the Library on Thursday, October 24th during both lunches to get your results.


Consolidated Electrical Distributors is announcing a PAID High School Internship for our Seniors.  CED North is looking for hardworking dependable individuals that are eager to learn warehouse or office staff positions. There is no experience required and they offer on the job training with flexible part-time opportunities (no weekends or Holidays required). Please visit the Counseling office for more information.



Bulldog Buddies, a club on campus promoting the inclusion of our peers with special needs, will be hosting their first Lunch Buddies event on Friday, October 25th. We will be having lunch and enjoying conversation with our peers who have special needs. All are welcome to join. There will be tables set up in between the 500 and 100 halls during the combined lunch. Stop by, enjoy your lunch, and make some new friends!  


Don’t forget to follow the BGHS Student Government on Twitter and Instagram @BGHSSTUGO for all the latest school news and events!


Athletic Clearance Packets for Winter Sports (Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer) are due by November 1, 2019.  Student athletes must be cleared in order to participate in tryouts.


Attention all Girls Soccer players. There will be an informational meeting about the upcoming season and a chance to meet your new coach TODAY at 2:30 in the lecture hall. See you then.

Boys Soccer, please attend a meeting in Coach Scaps room number 538 after school on Thursday, October 24th to receive information about the upcoming season.


School ID Cards: Students, if you have not gotten your school ID card yet or if you purchased a student activity pass, please visit the Bookstore before or after school or during lunch to get your updated ID card printed!


TARDY POLICY:  It is an expectation that you are getting to class every period on time.  Students receiving 3 or more tardies will be assigned detention to be served after school.


ATTENDANCE – LOSS OF CREDIT:  BGHS students will receive Loss of Credit when 12 absences of any type are recorded in a classroom.




Students, you must re-apply for the free and reduced meal program every school year. Please turn in your application as soon as possible and allow ten days for processing.  On September 20th, your will be responsible for meal payment unless your application has been processed.  Applications are available in the cafeteria, Admin office and on our website. 


Senior students, please remember to re-apply for your Free and Reduced lunch program for the 2019-2020 school year even if you have a shortened schedule. Qualifying for the Free and Reduced lunch program may also help you with testing fees, the athletic fee waiver, and more.



Our Bookstore is open from 7 am – 3 pm.  The Bookstore will close at 12:30 on Wednesdays for accounting purposes and will be closed each day from 12:30 – 1:15 for lunch.



Dress Code

Any attire that detracts from the learning environment is not acceptable.  Shirts and tops may not expose bare midriffs, bare shoulders, nor be deeply cut in the front, back or under the arms.  Undergarments should not be exposed.  Clothing must cover the entire buttocks.  Clothing may not include defamatory writing obscene language or include symbols of drugs, sex, or alcohol.  You can see the complete dress code policy in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook on our website.  Please dress for success while at school!


Parking Permits

The cost for student parking is $100.  Students who wish to park on campus may purchase a parking permit in the Bookstore during lunch or before or after school.  You will need to present your driver’s license, current registration and proof of insurance.  Students who have not purchased a parking decal are not allowed to park their vehicle on the BGHS campus.  Security will be monitoring both parking lots to ensure you have your parking pass.


DELIVERIES:  The front desk will not accept personal items such as IPads, cell phones, money or lunches. There are also no deliveries allowed for students such as balloons, flowers, food or gifts of any kind.



Students, please be a good neighbor and do not park in the Medical Plaza or neighboring business parking lots.  Your car will be towed!  You can purchase a pass for the student parking lot in the Bookstore.

Have a great day Bulldogs!

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